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Surname of the person: BORRULL. By counties

Surname of the person: BORRULL. 2022 By counties
As first surname As second surname
Position frequency frequency
Alt Camp 2,236 4 0.09 .. ..
Alt Penedès 2,401 6 0.05 5 0.05
Anoia 1,311 13 0.10 14 0.11
Bages 3,655 .. .. 9 0.05
Baix Camp 384 73 0.37 73 0.37
Baix Ebre 278 29 0.36 57 0.72
Baix Llobregat 1,340 77 0.09 67 0.08
Baix Penedès 2,795 5 0.04 4 0.04
Barcelonès 2,223 127 0.06 100 0.04
Conca de Barberà 672 4 0.20 6 0.30
Garraf 2,128 8 0.05 9 0.06
Gironès 4,683 6 0.03 .. ..
Maresme 1,851 33 0.07 28 0.06
Montsià 925 10 0.15 8 0.12
Noguera 1,511 .. .. 5 0.13
Osona 3,165 8 0.05 4 0.02
Priorat 50 26 2.81 29 3.14
Ribera d'Ebre 331 8 0.36 14 0.64
Ripollès 861 4 0.16 6 0.24
Segrià 3,830 5 0.02 8 0.04
Selva 2,863 7 0.04 7 0.04
Tarragonès 916 35 0.13 41 0.16
Terra Alta 44 30 2.63 44 3.86
Vallès Occidental 2,034 49 0.05 56 0.06
Vallès Oriental 3,906 11 0.03 12 0.03
Total 1,529 589 0.08 622 0.08
Source: Idescat, based on the Continuous Register Statistic of INE
Note: Only shows counties with 4 or more people with the selected surname.

Disaggregation criteria