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Meteorología. Precipitación, humedad relativa y viento. Comarcas y Aran

Meteorology. Rainfall, relative humidity and wind. Counties Alt Camp
Stations Altitude (m) Total rainfall (mm) Average relative humidity (%) Maximum speed (m/s) Dominant direction
2014 Vila-rodona 287 585.9 67.0 2.8 N
2013 Vila-rodona 287 640.9 64.0 3.1 N
2012 Vila-rodona 287 389.5 62.0 2.9 N
2011 Vila-rodona 287 547.4 68.0 2.7 N
2010 Vila-rodona 290 595.2 66.5 2.9 N
2009 Vila-rodona 290 460.5 64.3 2.7 NNW
2008 Vila-rodona 290 482.2 60.6 3.2 NNW
2007 Vila-rodona 290 231.8 (2) 60.6 3.2 NNW
2007-2009: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya.
2010-2014: Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya.
Wind sensor at 2 m.
(2) Entre un 50% i un 80% de dades disponibles.
(3) Sensor de vent desmantellat durant el 2007.
(4) Canvi d'alçada del sensor de vent al llarg del 2007.

Last update: May 27, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Distance in height from one point, measured in metres, with respect to sea level, taking Alicante as the reference.
Relative humidity
Percentatge de la humitat (quantitat de vapor d'aigua present a l'aire) que pot contenir l'aire a la temperatura en què ens trobem.
The science dealing with the atmosphere, weather, and climate.
The amount of rain, snow, etc., that has fallen at a given place within a given period of time.
Temperatura de l'aire mesurada a 1,5 metres d'altura damunt del sòl i dins un abric termomètric.

Methodological aspects

The data from the climatology is taken from the Meteorological Service of Catalonia.

It offers maximum and minimum temperatures and monthly and annual rainfall for the different counties, with a summary of the main annual observations.