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Union elections. Civil servant regulations. Representatives elected. By trade union organisations. Counties and Aran, and provinces

Union elections. Civil servant regulations. Representatives elected. By trade union organisations. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
2009 2,278 764 626 214 127 0 547
2008 2,319 795 626 220 128 0 550
2007 2,247 781 605 210 115 0 536
2006 1,712 644 510 156 83 6 313
2005 2,100 729 557 210 115 105 384
2004 2,091 727 551 206 116 105 386
2003 2,079 716 528 206 117 105 407
2002 1,809 607 451 160 103 93 395
2001 1,995 666 496 191 121 117 404
2000 1,931 642 481 184 114 110 400
2000: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2001: Departament de Treball, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2002-2004: Departament de Treball i Indústria. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2005-2008: Departament de Treball. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.
2009: Ministry for Business and Labour.
Note: With respect to the personnel to whom the Civil servant regulations apply. On December 31.

Last update: March 29, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Union election
Election process in which workers, both in private and public companies, or those in the service of public administrations, select their delegates to representative bodies, which play a fundamental role in collective bargaining and the determination of labour conditions.
Person that satisfies the legal requirements to be able to exercise their right to vote.

Methodological aspects

Union elections are the election process whereby the representatives of the employees of a work centre are elected every four years.

The employees of the company or place of work aged over 16, with more than one month in the company, can take part in the vote - which is free, personal, secret and direct - to choose their representatives.

The workers' representative must be over 18 years of age, with at least six months in the company (unless where another limit, no less than three months, has been collectively agreed on due to personnel mobility).

List of abbreviation and names of the unions that appear in the tables:
CSIF Central Sindical Independent i de Funcionaris (Independent Trade Union Confederation of Officials).
CCOO Confederacio Sindical de Comissions Obreres (General Workers' Confederation).
UGT Unio General de Treballadors (Confederation of Workers' Commissions).
USO Unio Sindical Obrera (Workers' Trade Union).
CGT Confederacio General del Treball (General Confederation of Labour).
IAC Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya (Alternative Trade Union of Catalonia).

Either worker's delegates or a workers' committee will be chosen, depending on the size of the company's workforce.

The data on union elections with respect to the personnel to whom the Workers statute is applied and the civil servant regulations, on December 31.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".