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Agricultural production. By products. Provinces

Agricultural production. By products. Provinces 2003
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Cereals 231,694 169,875 746,513 198,546 1,346,628
Corn 79,475 29,982 124,185 22,762 256,404
Barley 131,499 29,926 341,629 58,622 561,676
Sweet corn 8,754 86,136 265,632 884 361,406
Oats 5,845 10,230 9,874 2,499 28,448
Rice 0 5,181 850 113,506 119,537
Others 6,121 8,420 4,343 273 19,157
Leguminous for grain 2,054 2,745 1,599 259 6,657
Dry bean and small bean 210 2,023 38 53 2,324
Broad bean 334 119 11 41 505
Others 1,510 603 1,550 165 3,828
Fodder 382,575 913,644 2,120,927 20,138 3,437,284
Alfalfa 88,370 261,716 1,688,568 4,098 2,042,752
Sweet corn 68,426 130,060 54,358 1,215 254,059
Vetch 25,512 4,418 102,122 3,335 135,387
Others 200,267 517,450 275,879 11,490 1,005,086
Tubers 38,882 10,883 7,047 19,038 75,850
Potato 38,779 10,883 7,047 19,038 75,747
Others 103 0 0 0 103
Vegetables 180,101 23,011 73,702 129,092 405,906
Artichoke 7,819 200 390 10,539 18,948
Onion 10,376 1,818 28,863 14,310 55,367
Cabbage 13,356 1,362 2,545 8,105 25,368
Lettuce 27,998 2,970 5,356 15,381 51,705
French bean 3,405 515 117 1,166 5,203
Green bean 7,498 1,164 957 4,039 13,658
Pepper 2,265 420 3,642 2,955 9,282
Tomato 40,203 4,020 13,536 30,599 88,358
Others 67,181 10,542 18,296 41,998 138,017
Citrus 758 0 0 145,196 145,954
Mandarin 165 0 0 102,919 103,084
Orange 280 0 0 41,192 41,472
Others 313 0 0 1,085 1,398
Fresh fruit 31,847 90,553 854,075 49,564 1,026,039
Pear 4,091 13,137 329,615 3,092 349,935
Apple 7,856 64,727 302,829 2,237 377,649
Peach and nectarine 10,720 9,342 212,357 37,235 269,654
Others 9,180 3,347 9,274 7,000 28,801
Dry fruit 1,298 929 10,843 17,992 31,062
Almond 1,088 30 10,600 6,323 18,041
Hazelnut 132 519 40 10,965 11,656
Others 78 380 203 704 1,365
Vines (bunch) 218,471 6,604 35,180 227,309 487,564
Olive groves (olives) 2,519 2,540 12,148 124,891 142,098
Industrial crops 2,972 5,888 4,768 181 13,809
Sunflower 683 5,576 2,530 101 8,890
Others 2,289 312 2,238 80 4,919
Transformed products
Oil 474 620 2,503 25,121 28,718
Wine (hectolitres) 1,471,726 101,503 254,428 1,517,900 3,345,557
Units: Tons.
Source: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca. Direcció de Serveis.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".