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Fair and exhibitions. Provinces

Exhibitions and fairs. Provinces 2006
Days Periodicity Exhibitors (1) Visitors (1) First year Theme
Expohogar-Regal Primavera 4 semestral 372 31,252 1996 articles regal
Expohogar-Regal Tardor 4 semestral 507 48,197 1980 articles regal
Aerosport 2 anual 40 1,000 1992 aeronàutica
Agrotur 3 anual 150 25,000 1995 turisme rural
Antiquaris 9 anual 110 21,683 1975 antiguitats
Auto Retro 5 anual 187 60,320 1984 automòbil
Caravaning 9 anual 617 52,903 1989 caravanes
Cosmobelleza 3 anual 551 125,214 1996 cosmètica
Equus Catalonia 3 anual 160 25,000 1988 hípica
European Incentive 3 anual 0 0 2004 turisme
Immersió 4 anual 165 9,500 2000 nàutica
Logística SIL 4 anual 725 40,267 1999 logística
B. Meeting Point 6 anual 625 189,000 1997 construcció
Nàutic Saló 9 anual 1,090 183,000 1963 nàutica
Negocis y Franquícies BNF 3 anual 146 22,682 2001 franquícia
Nivàlia 3 anual 103 20,535 1994 esports de neu
Noviaespaña 5 anual 125 11,350 1990 moda vestir
B. Tunning Show 3 anual 62 71,000 2004 automòbil
Turisme SITC 4 anual 732 207,000 1992 turisme
Alimentària 5 biennal 3,846 142,513 1976 alimentació
Expoàviga 4 biennal 706 45,643 1975 ramaderia
Expodidàctica 3 biennal 101 6,703 1985 material didàctic
Hispack 5 biennal 2,177 30,899 1983 embalatge
Hostelco 5 biennal 2,045 83,346 1997 hoteleria
Liber Saló del Llibre 3 biennal 480 6,464 1983 llibre, edició
Moto BCN 5 biennal 408 165,141 2001 motocicleta
Motorpro 4 biennal 118 19,758 1978 automòbil
Planet Futbol 5 biennal 149 357,000 2002 esport
5 anual 89 177,648 1986 agroalimentària
Eurofruit 5 anual 170 177,488 1946 agroalimentària
Fira Agrària de Sant Miquel 3 anual 350 191,460 1873 agroalimentària
Fira de Sant Josep 4 anual 0 0 1981 cultura
Teatre al Carrer 3 biennal 59 10,821 1988 discapacitats
Minusval 5 biennal 29 177,648 1984 agroturisme
Source: Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Direcció General de Comerç.
Note: (1) Data on exhibitors and visitors at latest edition.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Trade fair
Periodical activity mainly addressed at a professional audience. Orders and sales and purchase contracts can be made, but not direct sales involving withdrawal of merchandise during the period of the fair. If the periodical activity is addressed at the general public and occasionally allows direct sales involving the withdrawal of merchandise, it is called a market (or consumer) fair. If the exhibited offer represents different sectors it is called a multi-sector fair. If the exhibited offer represents a single sector it is called a monographic fair or showroom. If the fair does not take place on a regular basis, it is called an exhibition or display.

Methodological aspects

Also included is data on county fairs and fairs and trade shows on a state or international level. The geographical classification is established depending on whether the origin of the exhibitors represents more than 20% of the total.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".