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Fair and exhibitions. Provinces

Exhibitions and fairs. Provinces 2013
Days Periodicity Exhibitors Visitors First year Theme
Aerosport 2 anual 51 6,000 1992 aeronàutica
Auto Retro 4 anual 170 21,000 1984 automòbil
Automòbil 9 biennal 47 94,508 1966 automòbil
Barcelona Meeting Point 5 anual 62 90,000 1997 construcció
Bcn Bridal Week - NoviaEspaña 3 anual 115 18,000 1991 moda vestir
BCNRail 4 biennal 45 9,991 2007 infraestructures
Biz Barcelona 2 anual 86 23,285 2010 emprenedors, empreses, autònoms
Carbon Expo 3 biennal 67 1,355 2009 medi ambient
Construmat 6 biennal 319 50,000 1979 construcció
Cosmobelleza 3 anual 90 90,000 1995 cosmètica
E-Show 2 anual 95 13,000 2010 comerç electrònic
EIBTM 3 anual 280 12,000 1988 turisme negocis
Eurobijoux & Mibi 3 anual 74 351 1972 bijuteria
European Respiratory Society 5 anual 210 22,000 2013 sanitat
EVS27. Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 4 anual 122 9,455 1969 vehicles elèctrics
Expo EcoSalut 3 biennal 130 20,000 1986 salut
Expohogar Primavera 4 semestral 93 4,691 1996 articles regal
Expohogar Tardor 4 semestral 123 6,631 1980 articles regal
Expominer 3 anual 119 11,300 1979 minerals, fòssils i joieria
FDM 3 biennal 101 10,033 1999 salut dental
Fira Mediterrània de Manresa 4 anual 141 100,000 1998 cultura
Gamelab 3 anual 27 1,100 2005 lleure
Globalgeo (1) 3 anual 91 9,513 2003 cartografia
Graphispag Digital 4 quadriennal 102 14,320 1996 arts gràfiques
Iberzoo 3 biennal 97 6,617 2005 animals de companyia
Infarma 3 biennal 184 20,000 1993 farmàcia
Mobile World Congress 4 anual 1,759 72,534 1987 telefonia mòbil
Saló Creativa 4 semestral 126 23,700 2006 manualitats, labors i belles arts
Saló de la Immersió 3 anual 80 12,000 2000 submarinisme
Saló de la Logística 4 anual 99 50,000 1999 logística
Saló de la Piscina 4 biennal 236 8,134 1994 piscina
Saló del Còmic 4 anual 115 90,000 1981 còmic
Saló del Manga 4 anual 140 112,000 1995 còmic
Saló Nàutic 9 anual 211 52,831 1963 nàutica
Seafood Barcelona 3 anual 86 12,000 2002 alimentació
Smart City Expo (1) 4 anual 91 9,513 1997 ciutat intel·ligent
Southern European Veterinary Conference 3 anual 65 3,500 2007 veterinària
Sonimagfoto 5 biennal 27 14,320 1991 fotografia
STS Beauty Barcelona 3 anual 150 35,120 2013 cosmètica
Swab Barcelona 4 anual 54 18,000 2007 art
¡¡Taxi!! La Fira del Taxi 2 biennal 31 8,000 2009 indústria del taxi
Tissue World 3 biennal 187 3,200 2013 indústria del paper tissú
Turisme 3 anual 175 20,747 1992 turisme
Eurofruit (2) 4 anual 56 158,879 1986 agroalimentària
Expo-Clàssic 2 anual 50 9,999 1996 automòbil
Fira Agrària de Sant Miquel (2) 4 anual 218 158,879 1946 agroalimentària
Fira de Sant Josep 3 anual 271 138,348 1873 agroalimentària
Fira Tàrrega (3) 4 anual 52 147,000 1981 cultura
Municipàlia 4 biennal 181 20,830 1981 serveis municipals
Source: Ministry for Business and Labour.
(1) Globalgeo and Smart City Expo exhibitors and visitors share.
(2) Eurofruit and Fira Agrària de Sant Miquel visitors share.
(3) The number of exhibitors does not include live entertainment.

Last update: July 16, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Trade fair
Periodical activity mainly addressed at a professional audience. Orders and sales and purchase contracts can be made, but not direct sales involving withdrawal of merchandise during the period of the fair. If the periodical activity is addressed at the general public and occasionally allows direct sales involving the withdrawal of merchandise, it is called a market (or consumer) fair. If the exhibited offer represents different sectors it is called a multi-sector fair. If the exhibited offer represents a single sector it is called a monographic fair or showroom. If the fair does not take place on a regular basis, it is called an exhibition or display.

Methodological aspects

Also included is data on county fairs and fairs and trade shows on a state or international level. The geographical classification is established depending on whether the origin of the exhibitors represents more than 20% of the total.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".