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Secondary education. Pupils. By ownership of centre and levels. Counties and Aran

Secondary education. Pupils. Total. By levels. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2011/2012
ESO Batxillerat (1) CFGM CFGS PIPQ Total
Alt Camp 1,775 490 286 260 75 2,886
Alt Empordà 5,340 1,317 757 206 63 7,683
Alt Penedès 4,073 1,019 482 393 85 6,052
Alt Urgell 758 223 552 129 17 1,679
Alta Ribagorça 168 29 88 71 0 356
Anoia 4,700 1,344 664 740 97 7,545
Bages 6,973 2,113 1,485 932 147 11,650
Baix Camp 7,963 2,268 1,472 1,015 272 12,990
Baix Ebre 3,325 822 1,075 778 103 6,103
Baix Empordà 4,898 1,340 764 334 74 7,410
Baix Llobregat 29,660 8,132 4,996 3,683 821 47,292
Baix Penedès 4,181 943 514 211 64 5,913
Barcelonès 75,897 27,695 15,967 22,246 2,200 144,005
Berguedà 1,349 444 229 47 28 2,097
Cerdanya 593 100 129 0 0 822
Conca de Barberà 763 118 82 0 13 976
Garraf 5,333 1,510 718 390 68 8,019
Garrigues 641 109 98 0 0 848
Garrotxa 1,854 502 459 436 48 3,299
Gironès 8,287 2,504 1,737 1,511 183 14,222
Maresme 16,640 5,156 2,157 1,473 343 25,769
Montsià 2,650 624 725 486 110 4,595
Noguera 1,472 350 221 126 24 2,193
Osona 6,481 2,000 1,107 777 139 10,504
Pallars Jussà 450 113 235 46 0 844
Pallars Sobirà 210 60 106 58 0 434
Pla d'Urgell 1,085 268 437 256 63 2,109
Pla de l'Estany 1,284 326 220 139 0 1,969
Priorat 329 72 150 18 0 569
Ribera d'Ebre 819 206 126 63 35 1,249
Ripollès 805 189 145 67 16 1,222
Segarra 909 202 366 83 15 1,575
Segrià 8,031 2,770 2,054 1,779 266 14,900
Selva 6,341 1,544 979 484 77 9,425
Solsonès 537 171 173 152 16 1,049
Tarragonès 9,881 3,079 2,486 2,705 343 18,494
Terra Alta 373 93 69 21 0 556
Urgell 1,489 414 174 201 23 2,301
Val d'Aran 318 75 140 26 13 572
Vallès Occidental 36,364 10,445 5,769 4,754 837 58,169
Vallès Oriental 16,273 4,461 2,697 2,084 435 25,950
Catalonia 281,272 85,640 53,090 49,180 7,113 476,295
Metropolità 174,834 55,889 31,586 34,240 4,636 301,185
Comarques Gironines 28,809 7,722 5,061 3,177 461 45,230
Camp de Tarragona 20,711 6,027 4,476 3,998 703 35,915
Terres de l'Ebre 7,167 1,745 1,995 1,348 248 12,503
Ponent 13,627 4,113 3,350 2,445 391 23,926
Comarques Centrals 15,340 4,728 2,994 1,908 330 25,300
Alt Pirineu i Aran 2,497 600 1,250 330 30 4,707
Penedès 18,287 4,816 2,378 1,734 314 27,529
Barcelona 203,743 64,319 36,271 37,519 5,200 347,052
Girona 29,402 7,822 5,190 3,177 461 46,052
Lleida 16,068 4,784 4,644 2,927 437 28,860
Tarragona 32,059 8,715 6,985 5,557 1,015 54,331
Source: Ministry of Education.
Batxillerat: general certificate of secondary education. Does not include remote learning certificate.
CFGM: Medium grade training cycles.
CFGS: Higher grade training cycles.
PIPQ: Programmes for Initial Professional Qualification.
Secondary education. Pupils. Public sector. By levels. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2011/2012
ESO Batxillerat (1) CFGM CFGS PIPQ Total
Alt Camp 1,317 490 286 260 75 2,428
Alt Empordà 4,533 1,236 704 206 29 6,708
Alt Penedès 2,947 830 482 393 85 4,737
Alt Urgell 553 223 447 89 17 1,329
Alta Ribagorça 168 29 88 71 0 356
Anoia 3,165 1,066 664 626 63 5,584
Bages 4,859 1,777 942 562 109 8,249
Baix Camp 5,616 1,867 1,382 1,015 198 10,078
Baix Ebre 2,771 702 1,005 778 52 5,308
Baix Empordà 3,713 1,149 764 334 74 6,034
Baix Llobregat 20,010 6,144 4,134 3,378 601 34,267
Baix Penedès 3,518 827 483 211 30 5,069
Barcelonès 31,419 11,131 8,468 11,159 1,040 63,217
Berguedà 1,112 396 119 0 11 1,638
Cerdanya 462 100 129 0 0 691
Conca de Barberà 652 118 82 0 0 852
Garraf 4,036 1,342 645 390 68 6,481
Garrigues 434 109 98 0 0 641
Garrotxa 1,371 502 430 374 48 2,725
Gironès 5,139 1,743 1,626 1,396 91 9,995
Maresme 10,226 3,483 1,732 1,025 235 16,701
Montsià 2,327 624 725 486 75 4,237
Noguera 1,143 280 201 126 0 1,750
Osona 3,922 1,377 849 495 107 6,750
Pallars Jussà 349 113 235 46 0 743
Pallars Sobirà 210 60 106 58 0 434
Pla d'Urgell 744 166 340 168 46 1,464
Pla de l'Estany 1,174 326 220 139 0 1,859
Priorat 329 72 150 18 0 569
Ribera d'Ebre 709 206 126 63 35 1,139
Ripollès 635 143 145 24 0 947
Segarra 860 202 366 83 15 1,526
Segrià 5,241 1,813 1,767 1,486 163 10,470
Selva 5,417 1,465 979 484 77 8,422
Solsonès 325 112 107 124 16 684
Tarragonès 6,991 2,298 2,232 2,563 171 14,255
Terra Alta 373 93 69 21 0 556
Urgell 1,148 361 157 201 17 1,884
Val d'Aran 318 75 140 26 13 572
Vallès Occidental 21,649 7,320 4,518 4,115 548 38,150
Vallès Oriental 12,204 3,579 2,308 1,860 263 20,214
Catalonia 174,089 55,949 40,450 34,853 4,372 309,713
Metropolità 95,508 31,657 21,160 21,537 2,687 172,549
Comarques Gironines 21,982 6,564 4,868 2,957 319 36,690
Camp de Tarragona 14,905 4,845 4,132 3,856 444 28,182
Terres de l'Ebre 6,180 1,625 1,925 1,348 162 11,240
Ponent 9,570 2,931 2,929 2,064 241 17,735
Comarques Centrals 10,218 3,662 2,017 1,181 243 17,321
Alt Pirineu i Aran 2,060 600 1,145 290 30 4,125
Penedès 13,666 4,065 2,274 1,620 246 21,871
Barcelona 115,549 38,445 24,861 24,003 3,130 205,988
Girona 22,444 6,664 4,997 2,957 319 37,381
Lleida 11,493 3,543 4,052 2,478 287 21,853
Tarragona 24,603 7,297 6,540 5,415 636 44,491
Source: Ministry of Education.
Batxillerat: general certificate of secondary education. Does not include remote learning certificate.
CFGM: Medium grade training cycles.
CFGS: Higher grade training cycles.
PIPQ: Programmes for Initial Professional Qualification.
Secondary education. Pupils. Private sector. By levels. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2011/2012
ESO Batxillerat CFGM CFGS PIPQ Total
Alt Camp 458 0 0 0 0 458
Alt Empordà 807 81 53 0 34 975
Alt Penedès 1,126 189 0 0 0 1,315
Alt Urgell 205 0 105 40 0 350
Alta Ribagorça 0 0 0 0 0 0
Anoia 1,535 278 0 114 34 1,961
Bages 2,114 336 543 370 38 3,401
Baix Camp 2,347 401 90 0 74 2,912
Baix Ebre 554 120 70 0 51 795
Baix Empordà 1,185 191 0 0 0 1,376
Baix Llobregat 9,650 1,988 862 305 220 13,025
Baix Penedès 663 116 31 0 34 844
Barcelonès 44,478 16,564 7,499 11,087 1,160 80,788
Berguedà 237 48 110 47 17 459
Cerdanya 131 0 0 0 0 131
Conca de Barberà 111 0 0 0 13 124
Garraf 1,297 168 73 0 0 1,538
Garrigues 207 0 0 0 0 207
Garrotxa 483 0 29 62 0 574
Gironès 3,148 761 111 115 92 4,227
Maresme 6,414 1,673 425 448 108 9,068
Montsià 323 0 0 0 35 358
Noguera 329 70 20 0 24 443
Osona 2,559 623 258 282 32 3,754
Pallars Jussà 101 0 0 0 0 101
Pallars Sobirà 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pla d'Urgell 341 102 97 88 17 645
Pla de l'Estany 110 0 0 0 0 110
Priorat 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ribera d'Ebre 110 0 0 0 0 110
Ripollès 170 46 0 43 16 275
Segarra 49 0 0 0 0 49
Segrià 2,790 957 287 293 103 4,430
Selva 924 79 0 0 0 1,003
Solsonès 212 59 66 28 0 365
Tarragonès 2,890 781 254 142 172 4,239
Terra Alta 0 0 0 0 0 0
Urgell 341 53 17 0 6 417
Val d'Aran 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vallès Occidental 14,715 3,125 1,251 639 289 20,019
Vallès Oriental 4,069 882 389 224 172 5,736
Catalonia 107,183 29,691 12,640 14,327 2,741 166,582
Metropolità 79,326 24,232 10,426 12,703 1,949 128,636
Comarques Gironines 6,827 1,158 193 220 142 8,540
Camp de Tarragona 5,806 1,182 344 142 259 7,733
Terres de l'Ebre 987 120 70 0 86 1,263
Ponent 4,057 1,182 421 381 150 6,191
Comarques Centrals 5,122 1,066 977 727 87 7,979
Alt Pirineu i Aran 437 0 105 40 0 582
Penedès 4,621 751 104 114 68 5,658
Barcelona 88,194 25,874 11,410 13,516 2,070 141,064
Girona 6,958 1,158 193 220 142 8,671
Lleida 4,575 1,241 592 449 150 7,007
Tarragona 7,456 1,418 445 142 379 9,840
Source: Ministry of Education.
CFGM: Medium grade training cycles.
CFGS: Higher grade training cycles.
PIPQ: Programmes for Initial Professional Qualification.

Last update: March 18, 2013.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Two academic years of education from sixteen years to eighteen. The obligatory secondary education graduates certificate is required to access this. When completing these studies, pupils that have satisfactorily completed any of its modalities receive the batxiller certificate access to higher education.
Secondary education
Educational that level that covers: obligatory secondary education (ESO), Batxillerat and specific vocational training of medium and higher level.
Compulsory secondary education (ESO)
Education covering four academic years. It generally starts in the calendar year in which students turn 12 and ends when they are 16. Students who graduate from ESO can enter the baccalaureate or even an intermediate level specific vocational training in sports education (if they pass the specific entry test) or in visual arts and design.
Medium grade vocational training
Training that includes education providing the capacity to develop various professions. Of a variable duration depending on the profession. To access this, the secondary education graduates certificate or any equivalent is required. The pupils that pass these courses receive the specialist qualification for the corresponding profession.
Higher grade vocational training
Training that includes education providing the capacity to develop various professions. Of a variable duration depending on the profession. To access this, the batxiller certificate or any equivalent is required. The pupils that pass these courses receive the higher specialist qualification, which enables the graduate to exercise said profession. It also allows access to first cycle university studies for the corresponding professional sector.
Programmes for Initial Professional Qualification (PIPQ)
Es dirigeixen a alumnes més grans de 16 anys que no han obtingut el títol de GESO (graduat/ada en ESO)Incorporen tres tipus de mòduls, que proporcionen: competències professionals (mòduls A), formació de caràcter general (mòduls B), el títol de GESO (mòduls voluntaris C). Les proves d'accés amb exempcions se suprimiran a partir del curs 2012-2013.

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

Data are provisional.