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Prison population. Imprisonments and releases. By sex

Prison population. Imprisonments and releases. By sex Catalonia. 2007
Men Women Total
Convicts 7,063 406 7,469
Sentence 1,163 122 1,285
Transfer from other centre 5,667 270 5,937
Others 233 14 247
Preventive 5,764 634 6,398
Sentence 4,561 451 5,012
Transfer from other centre 1,194 182 1,376
Others 9 1 10
Penitentiary 41 2 43
Sentence 7 1 8
Transfer from other centre 33 1 34
Others 1 0 1
Total 12,868 1,042 13,910
Convicts 8,959 520 9,479
Freedom 2,848 217 3,065
Transfer to other centre 5,658 266 5,924
Death 52 6 58
Not returned from leave 220 22 242
Escape 1 0 1
Others 180 9 189
Preventive 3,535 434 3,969
Freedom 2,234 245 2,479
Transfer to other centre 1,274 187 1,461
Death 8 0 8
Escape 1 0 1
Others 18 2 20
Penitentiary 41 2 43
Freedom 3 1 4
Transfer to other centre 32 1 33
Death 0 0 0
Escape 0 0 0
Others 6 0 6
Total 12,535 956 13,491
Source: Departament de Justícia. Direcció General de Serveis Penitenciaris i de Rehabilitació.

Last update: December 1, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Prision population
Set of people detained in penitentiary centres in compliance with custodial sentences in the Penal code and that are in any of the following procedural situations: accused criminals, convicts or detained on preventative grounds, if the cause is processed.

Methodological aspects

The introduction of the new penal Code, on January 1, 1996, led to the classification of convicts on the basis of a new typology of offences, which will coexist alongside the classification used in the previous Penal Code. For statistical purposes it should be noted, however, that each convict is only classified for one offence, always the one for which the convict has received the toughest sentence.

Data is provided on the penal courts that were created to take responsibility for judging and sentencing less serious offences. This also includes the activity of provincial audiences. The information is completed with data on the prison population on December 31.