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Persons in employment reidents. By residence and workplace. Counties and Aran, and areas

Persons in employment residents. By residence and workplace. Counties and areas 2011
Residents that work total=" (a)" Residents that work in the county/area=" (b)" Residents that work outside the county/area=" (c)" Residents that work in more than one municipality Non residents that work in the county/area=" (d)" Total that work in the county/area=" (e) = (b)+ (d)" Difference=" (f) = (e)- (a)"
Alt Camp 18,440 11,925 4,653 1,862 5,368 17,292 -1,148
Alt Empordà 53,228 42,042 5,798 5,388 3,894 45,936 -7,292
Alt Penedès 44,409 29,071 11,210 4,127 9,904 38,975 -5,434
Alt Urgell 9,402 6,696 1,867 840 601 7,297 -2,105
Alta Ribagorça 1,875 1,308 360 207 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,332 -543
Anoia 45,483 28,511 12,803 4,169 4,921 33,433 -12,050
Bages 72,169 53,709 11,618 6,842 7,423 61,132 -11,037
Baix Camp 73,438 46,104 20,363 6,971 10,047 56,151 -17,287
Baix Ebre 28,813 21,757 4,000 3,055 3,909 25,666 -3,147
Baix Empordà 48,660 35,645 8,247 4,768 3,166 38,810 -9,850
Baix Llobregat 329,732 187,087 112,573 30,071 97,307 284,395 -45,337
Baix Penedès 34,600 19,031 12,280 3,290 5,581 24,612 -9,988
Barcelonès 918,933 713,555 143,850 61,528 257,576 971,131 52,198
Berguedà 15,472 10,495 3,309 1,668 1,189 11,684 -3,788
Cerdanya 8,975 6,549 1,169 1,257 501 7,051 -1,924
Conca de Barberà 8,332 5,875 1,625 833 2,346 8,221 -111
Garraf 60,132 32,534 22,297 5,301 4,499 37,032 -23,100
Garrigues 8,012 5,116 2,088 809 1,587 6,703 -1,309
Garrotxa 23,500 18,542 2,897 2,061 2,557 21,098 -2,402
Gironès 78,387 57,937 13,168 7,282 18,924 76,862 -1,525
Maresme 168,913 95,728 56,339 16,845 17,064 112,792 -56,121
Montsià 25,881 18,378 4,738 2,765 1,572 19,951 -5,930
Noguera 15,404 10,379 3,470 1,555 1,898 12,277 -3,127
Osona 62,356 48,067 7,697 6,592 4,987 53,054 -9,302
Pallars Jussà 5,401 3,744 815 843 289 4,033 -1,368
Pallars Sobirà 3,234 2,235 376 623 289 2,524 -710
Pla d'Urgell 15,746 9,995 4,112 1,639 2,749 12,744 -3,002
Pla de l'Estany 14,096 8,791 3,977 1,328 2,588 11,379 -2,717
Priorat 3,924 2,524 941 459 519 3,043 -881
Ribera d'Ebre 8,655 6,431 1,460 764 1,784 8,215 -440
Ripollès 11,261 8,421 1,792 1,048 912 9,333 -1,928
Segarra 9,891 7,024 1,910 956 1,884 8,909 -982
Segrià 84,458 68,634 8,356 7,468 6,922 75,556 -8,902
Selva 65,976 42,617 17,045 6,314 12,396 55,013 -10,963
Solsonès 5,674 4,368 739 566 706 5,074 -600
Tarragonès 97,067 70,617 18,073 8,377 22,361 92,978 -4,089
Terra Alta 5,047 3,432 885 730 458 3,890 -1,157
Urgell 14,558 10,089 3,097 1,372 2,512 12,602 -1,956
Val d'Aran 4,494 3,716 461 317 371 4,087 -407
Vallès Occidental 364,439 235,559 95,059 33,821 85,854 321,412 -43,027
Vallès Oriental 165,449 102,196 47,366 15,888 40,229 142,425 -23,024
Metropolità 1,947,467 1,746,745 42,569 158,153 85,411 1,832,156 -115,311
Comarques Gironines 295,107 247,378 19,541 28,188 11,053 258,431 -36,676
Camp de Tarragona 201,200 168,973 13,725 18,502 8,713 177,686 -23,514
Terres de l'Ebre 68,396 55,369 5,713 7,314 2,353 57,722 -10,674
Ponent 148,069 125,282 8,988 13,799 3,507 128,789 -19,280
Comarques Centrals 155,671 120,910 19,093 15,668 10,034 130,944 -24,727
Alt Pirineu i Aran 33,382 24,924 4,372 4,086 1,401 26,324 -7,058
Penedès 184,624 119,861 47,876 16,887 14,191 134,052 -50,572
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Note: The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: June 30, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

People employed
People aged 16 years or more that have done paid work for at least one hour during the week of reference, by their own account or for another party, including those people who are temporarily out of work but expecting reincorporation. There is also the salaried employed population sub-group which is obtained by classifying the population according to their professional situation.

Methodological aspects

The population census is defined as the series of operations that consist of collecting, summarizing, evaluating, analysing and publishing data of a demographic, cultural, economic and social nature of the country's inhabitants and its political-administrative divisions at a given point in time. This operation is aimed at persons residing in dwellings (whether family dwellings or accommodation) or in collective establishments (hotels, residences, nursing homes, etc.).

Censuses are exhaustive counts of the population and all respondents are required to answer them accurately. Censuses are protected and their data can only be disseminated as aggregate numerical information.

The questionnaires used in the various censuses and local censuses have not always included the same questions or the same items and, therefore, there may be variations from one year to another.

The Population and Housing Censuses 2011 are a state-wide statistical operation conducted by the National Statistical Institute (INE) and that is being undertaken for the first time by European mandate. The reference date is November 1, 2011. The Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat) has collaborated with the INE in the design phase of the project, supporting the communication campaign in Catalonia and participating in the treatment of information on certain census variables.

Data of the population by relationship with the activity are presented, which included information about the profession, the professional situation, the branch of activity and the activity sector. Furthermore, unpaid work data was also incorporated.

In the various statistical operations the item "employed" was not always the same. Comparability of data from the last two censuses is affected by the mismatch of the different options in response to the question regarding the activity; thus, in 2011 the options "household chores" and "receiving some kind of teaching and/or training" do not exist, as they are formulated in separate questions.

For the year 2011, the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009) and the Catalan Classification of Occupations (CCO-2011) have been used.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".