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Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces

Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces 2023
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Indefinite 785,872 127,984 81,325 111,446 1,106,627 6,620,983 16.7
Ordinary indefinite period 724,840 120,753 77,307 102,732 1,025,632 6,113,022 16.8
Promotion of indefinite contracts 1,610 185 95 246 2,136 0 0.0
Indefinite disabled people 2,039 498 199 426 3,162 17,167 18.4
Changed to indefinite 57,383 6,548 3,724 8,042 75,697 490,794 15.4
Temporary 1,062,492 118,495 66,035 125,080 1,372,102 8,822,384 15.6
Specific works or services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Circumstances of production 730,407 86,373 51,716 92,197 960,693 6,484,917 14.8
Internship 207,458 25,160 10,952 27,999 271,569 1,366,257 19.9
Temporary bonuses for people with disabilities 2,317 237 200 308 3,062 21,346 14.3
Integration 7,367 815 690 1,250 10,122 0 0.0
Hand-over 1,018 127 87 147 1,379 8,383 16.4
Partial retirement 3,413 491 232 564 4,700 24,073 19.5
Replacement retired aged 64 0 0 0 0 0 122 0.0
Work placement 6,523 231 223 728 7,705 48,902 15.8
Training 1,870 284 249 241 2,644 55,932 4.7
Others 102,119 4,777 1,686 1,646 110,228 812,452 13.6
Total 1,848,364 246,479 147,360 236,526 2,478,729 15,443,367 16.1
Source: Ministry of Business and Employment; Servei Públic d'Ocupació Estatal (Sepe).

Last update: February 28, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered work contracts
These include, as well as contracts registered in the Generalitat's employment offices, announcements of contracts that companies make to this body. Segons el tipus d'activitat i el temps que duri la relació laboral, existeixen diferents modalitats de contractes: (contractes de treball per temps indefinit, contractes de treball de durada determinada i contractes de treball formatius, entre d'altres).

Methodological aspects

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".