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Agricultural surface. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Agricultural surface. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Utilised agricultural area (UAA)
Greenhouse crops Open-air arable crops Fallow crops Woody crops Kitchen gardens for personal use Total cultivated land Permanent pasture Total utilised agricultural area (UAA) Forest area Plots, buildings, quarries, courtyards... Abandoned agricultural land Total
Alt Camp 7 3,580 1,386 14,550 8 19,531 840 20,372 6,463 1,811 63 28,709
Alt Empordà 47 28,206 1,572 6,627 8 36,461 7,818 44,278 6,446 8,498 63 59,285
Alt Penedès 120 1,806 1,026 19,396 5 22,353 398 22,751 8,483 1,127 16 32,377
Alt Urgell 2 5,808 191 148 3 6,152 21,383 27,535 17,669 16,886 6 62,096
Alta Ribagorça 1 299 3 12 1 316 9,779 10,095 1,018 10,570 0 21,682
Anoia 4 23,375 1,840 4,193 5 29,418 1,256 30,674 9,470 2,673 7 42,823
Aran 0 1,140 196 182 1 1,519 29,946 31,466 5,255 16,644 14 53,378
Bages 2 21,323 1,348 936 7 23,616 4,838 28,454 16,210 9,405 9 54,078
Baix Camp 36 2,177 772 11,399 13 14,396 1,016 15,412 3,404 2,183 75 21,074
Baix Ebre 64 10,003 532 22,000 10 32,609 2,415 35,025 4,731 4,850 357 44,962
Baix Empordà 11 18,241 824 2,100 5 21,181 303 21,484 3,154 633 59 25,330
Baix Llobregat 46 1,925 263 1,206 2 3,443 840 4,283 727 921 94 6,025
Baix Penedès 2 751 618 5,892 3 7,265 258 7,523 2,376 791 11 10,701
Barcelonès 3 31 8 46 0 88 53 141 18 61 0 220
Berguedà 0 12,866 177 37 3 13,083 20,638 33,721 16,046 25,889 9 75,665
Cerdanya 0 3,528 42 32 2 3,604 28,671 32,276 11,350 14,296 161 58,083
Conca de Barberà 3 16,713 1,529 6,854 4 25,104 579 25,683 3,454 943 58 30,138
Garraf 2 381 203 1,223 1 1,809 29 1,839 1,145 287 24 3,294
Garrigues 6 8,963 2,435 28,029 6 39,438 280 39,718 13,309 2,018 19 55,064
Garrotxa 1 7,325 69 50 3 7,449 7,131 14,580 9,012 10,718 3 34,313
Gironès 5 12,282 443 816 4 13,550 294 13,845 2,270 443 8 16,565
Maresme 210 2,393 158 349 2 3,113 249 3,362 1,802 616 37 5,818
Moianès 1 5,110 261 63 1 5,436 3,934 9,370 5,009 6,112 1 20,493
Montsià 44 13,203 626 22,642 6 36,521 2,198 38,719 917 10,845 147 50,628
Noguera 14 57,760 3,930 7,698 13 69,415 4,179 73,595 26,415 5,471 9 105,490
Osona 1 25,572 292 123 9 25,998 14,280 40,278 13,459 23,156 52 76,945
Pallars Jussà 6 13,760 938 2,413 4 17,121 22,107 39,228 10,707 22,917 14 72,865
Pallars Sobirà 0 1,246 34 90 2 1,372 53,092 54,464 29,812 40,640 463 125,378
Pla d'Urgell 3 19,910 501 4,805 6 25,224 54 25,279 605 999 13 26,895
Pla de l'Estany 1 8,594 276 149 3 9,022 542 9,564 1,368 1,075 47 12,055
Priorat 0 328 382 7,918 6 8,635 316 8,951 6,160 1,534 26 16,670
Ribera d'Ebre 15 568 771 15,849 7 17,210 2,543 19,753 9,930 4,326 129 34,138
Ripollès 0 1,740 6 3 2 1,751 30,752 32,503 4,823 30,845 0 68,171
Segarra 0 42,721 2,052 1,306 5 46,084 887 46,971 7,518 1,749 24 56,262
Segrià 23 41,481 5,596 46,775 16 93,891 1,270 95,162 5,420 4,329 106 105,017
Selva 42 8,817 429 898 3 10,189 930 11,118 7,079 3,180 7 21,384
Solsonès 0 18,811 877 129 3 19,821 13,316 33,136 13,102 16,231 2 62,472
Tarragonès 10 1,232 621 6,363 4 8,230 63 8,294 1,246 581 40 10,160
Terra Alta 2 1,019 1,169 19,734 8 21,932 558 22,490 15,453 2,347 45 40,336
Urgell 4 31,229 2,977 8,865 5 43,081 50 43,131 3,617 1,023 18 47,789
Vallès Occidental 6 4,323 572 337 1 5,240 441 5,680 4,807 787 10 11,284
Vallès Oriental 10 8,118 470 559 4 9,162 855 10,017 6,297 1,381 6 17,701
Catalonia 752 488,661 38,416 272,798 206 800,833 291,383 1,092,215 317,556 311,791 2,252 1,723,814
Metropolità 275 17,766 1,516 2,518 10 22,085 3,835 25,920 14,688 6,067 147 46,822
Comarques Gironines 107 85,205 3,618 10,642 30 99,602 47,770 147,372 34,152 55,392 186 237,103
Camp de Tarragona 56 24,031 4,690 47,085 35 75,897 2,814 78,711 20,727 7,052 261 106,750
Terres de l'Ebre 124 24,794 3,098 80,225 32 108,273 7,714 115,987 31,032 22,368 678 170,064
Ponent 49 202,065 17,492 97,477 50 317,133 6,722 323,855 56,884 15,589 190 396,517
Comarques Centrals 4 92,304 3,195 1,346 25 96,874 55,677 152,552 65,000 78,741 72 296,365
Alt Pirineu i Aran 9 25,782 1,404 2,877 12 30,084 164,978 195,062 75,810 121,953 657 393,482
Penedès 128 16,715 3,402 30,627 13 50,884 1,873 52,757 19,263 4,630 58 76,709
Barcelona 411 107,127 6,631 28,424 42 142,634 45,553 188,186 81,598 69,475 252 339,511
Girona 101 87,497 3,647 10,699 31 101,974 64,228 166,202 39,757 63,657 199 269,815
Lleida 58 244,462 19,733 100,473 65 364,791 170,816 535,607 142,067 148,448 850 826,972
Tarragona 182 49,575 8,405 133,202 69 191,434 10,786 202,221 54,134 30,210 950 287,515
Units: Hectares.
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.

Last update: November 8, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Permanent pasture
Land that is permanently used (five years or more) for producing grass.
Agricultural surface
Constitutes the land used for agricultural, forestry or other purposes.
Agricultural surface, other land
This item includes wasteland, scrubland, land with esparto, untilled cultivable land and other land that is not directly used for plant production, but is needed by the operation (land occupied by constructions, stables, threshing floors, etc.). Also includes surfaces that are inapt for agricultural production, but that can be cultivated using means that are not normally used for operations (quarries, etc.).
Used agricultural area (UAA)
Includes surfaces of cultivated land and permanent pasture.
Forest surface
Area covered by trees or shrubs and not for agricultural purposes. Includes: woods (land populated by trees), and scrubland (maquis scrubland, garrigues, brolles, thickets and areas of transition between woods and scrubland), other vegetation (meadows, pastures, grasslands, wetland vegetation, wasteland and burned areas), plantations and other areas associated to operations, such as forest paths and fire-breaks.
Irrigated land
As well as rainwater, this land also receives water by means of a man-made system, whether temporary or continuous.
Rainfed land
Land that receives no water other than rainwater.
Cultivated land
Land that is worked (whether using hoes, ploughs, rakes, harvesters, spreaders or extirpators) over the agricultural year for whatever purpose and the date when it was done. Crops from tilled land can be herbaceous or woody.

The Agricultural Census CENSAG methodology page contains the new definitions of the concepts used in the 2020 Agricultural Census.

Methodological aspects

The Agricultural Census is a large-scale statistical operation carried out every ten years. Its objective is to collect, compile and disseminate information that allows us to understand the structure of the agricultural sector at a given point in time.

The aspects covered by the census include farm size, tenure status, irrigation methods, land use, livestock, labour, rural development and storage facilities.

In Catalonia, the 1962, 1982, 2009 and 2020 agricultural censuses were carried out by Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE), while the 1989 and 1999 censuses were carried out by Idescat, with support from the then Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment (now the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda).

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".