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Persons in employment. Agriculture sector. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Persons in employment. Agriculture sector. Counties, areas and provinces 2009
Relatives Wage earners
Owner Others Total Fixed Temporary Total Others (1) Total
Alt Camp 720 562 1,282 281 144 425 82 1,789
Alt Empordà 681 451 1,132 861 432 1,293 54 2,479
Alt Penedès 747 639 1,386 603 556 1,160 69 2,614
Alt Urgell 212 109 321 259 14 273 15 610
Alta Ribagorça 62 25 87 25 2 27 0 114
Anoia 394 239 633 317 80 397 23 1,053
Bages 484 233 716 392 38 430 34 1,180
Baix Camp 1,116 1,025 2,140 671 218 889 41 3,071
Baix Ebre 1,522 1,477 2,999 596 186 783 150 3,932
Baix Empordà 317 182 500 544 272 815 20 1,335
Baix Llobregat 304 266 570 272 56 328 8 905
Baix Penedès 254 221 475 155 87 242 14 731
Barcelonès 9 14 23 22 8 30 3 56
Berguedà 326 113 439 219 17 236 19 693
Cerdanya 210 35 245 114 4 117 3 365
Conca de Barberà 480 335 815 496 51 547 16 1,378
Garraf 71 52 123 60 12 73 2 198
Garrigues 1,278 924 2,201 400 140 540 44 2,785
Garrotxa 257 114 371 263 9 272 7 651
Gironès 254 137 391 483 120 603 12 1,006
Maresme 380 340 720 1,137 153 1,291 10 2,020
Montsià 1,143 955 2,098 588 257 845 105 3,047
Noguera 1,212 647 1,859 915 319 1,234 126 3,219
Osona 596 211 807 987 43 1,031 72 1,910
Pallars Jussà 365 213 578 203 17 220 13 811
Pallars Sobirà 206 75 282 69 3 72 4 358
Pla d'Urgell 712 364 1,076 546 544 1,091 66 2,232
Pla de l'Estany 150 71 221 243 9 252 12 484
Priorat 560 500 1,060 299 89 388 25 1,473
Ribera d'Ebre 861 818 1,679 263 222 485 23 2,187
Ripollès 241 83 324 76 3 79 4 407
Segarra 467 234 701 159 18 177 21 899
Segrià 2,884 1,851 4,736 1,878 2,114 3,992 304 9,032
Selva 239 138 377 485 137 622 18 1,017
Solsonès 280 92 372 138 10 148 13 533
Tarragonès 435 393 828 203 56 258 13 1,099
Terra Alta 1,022 911 1,933 135 46 181 20 2,134
Urgell 758 464 1,222 372 220 591 130 1,943
Val d'Aran 91 33 125 56 9 64 2 191
Vallès Occidental 138 82 220 135 6 141 2 363
Vallès Oriental 322 177 498 478 19 498 25 1,021
Catalonia 22,762 15,801 38,563 16,400 6,741 23,141 1,626 63,330
Metropolità 1,152 878 2,031 2,045 242 2,287 47 4,365
Comarques Gironines 2,140 1,176 3,316 2,955 982 3,937 128 7,381
Camp de Tarragona 3,311 2,814 6,125 1,949 558 2,508 178 8,810
Terres de l'Ebre 4,549 4,160 8,709 1,583 710 2,294 299 11,301
Ponent 7,312 4,484 11,795 4,270 3,356 7,626 690 20,111
Comarques Centrals 1,686 648 2,334 1,736 108 1,844 138 4,317
Alt Pirineu i Aran 1,147 490 1,637 725 49 774 38 2,449
Penedès 1,467 1,150 2,616 1,135 736 1,871 109 4,596
Barcelona 3,762 2,363 6,125 4,614 991 5,605 265 11,995
Girona 2,253 1,196 3,449 3,055 984 4,038 133 7,621
Lleida 8,634 5,046 13,680 5,043 3,411 8,454 738 22,872
Tarragona 8,114 7,195 15,309 3,688 1,356 5,044 490 20,843
Units: Annual labour units (ALU).
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.
Note: (1) Workforce not directly employed by the owner.

Last update: February 22, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Salaried agricultural employment
People other than the owner or members of the family that work in exchange for payment in money or kind, or both, whether continuous (fixed salary) or temporary (sporadic or seasonal).
Family agricultural employment
The owner, their spouse or other members of the family, as long as they do agricultural work for the operation, be that continuous or temporary and whether or not they receive payment in exchange.
Agricultural sector
Consists of agricultural, livestock, forestry and mixed operations.
Annual labour unit (ALU)
Work done by a full time worker over a year. Equivalent to 228 or more complete days both for salaried and non salaried work. A part time day is computed as half a full time day. Temporary days are calculated as full time.

Methodological aspects

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".