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Persons in employment. Agriculture sector. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Persons in employment. Agriculture sector. Counties, areas and provinces Catalonia
Relatives Wage earners
Owner Others Total Fixed Temporary Total Others (1) Total
2009 22,762 15,801 38,563 16,400 6,741 23,141 1,626 63,330
Units: Annual labour units (ALU).
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.
Note: (1) Workforce not directly employed by the owner.

Last update: February 22, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Salaried agricultural employment
People other than the owner or members of the family that work in exchange for payment in money or kind, or both, whether continuous (fixed salary) or temporary (sporadic or seasonal).
Family agricultural employment
The owner, their spouse or other members of the family, as long as they do agricultural work for the operation, be that continuous or temporary and whether or not they receive payment in exchange.
Agricultural sector
Consists of agricultural, livestock, forestry and mixed operations.
Annual labour unit (ALU)
Work done by a full time worker over a year. Equivalent to 228 or more complete days both for salaried and non salaried work. A part time day is computed as half a full time day. Temporary days are calculated as full time.

Methodological aspects

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".