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Agricultural surface. By products. Provinces

Agricultural surface. By products. Provinces 2022
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Cereals 60,062 39,091 198,654 40,854 338,661
Corn 24,677 13,831 56,591 6,240 101,339
Barley 33,090 16,200 96,557 12,701 158,548
Sweet corn 99 4,908 35,067 48 40,122
Oats 1,335 1,934 1,511 1,340 6,120
Rice 0 1,106 36 19,856 20,998
Others 861 1,112 8,892 669 11,534
Leguminous for grain 1,255 662 5,359 726 8,002
Dry bean and small bean 343 321 78 58 800
Broad bean 167 68 2 4 241
Others 745 273 5,279 664 6,961
Fodder 34,355 35,684 51,293 3,914 125,246
Alfalfa 3,003 6,826 19,008 208 29,045
Sweet corn 1,593 4,517 4,021 1 10,132
Vetch 289 280 920 23 1,512
Others 29,470 24,061 27,344 3,682 84,557
Tubers 295 195 172 195 857
Potato 295 195 172 195 857
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Vegetables 2,649 1,204 1,059 3,950 8,862
Artichoke 386 19 9 400 814
Onion 288 157 448 440 1,333
Cabbage 169 43 42 230 484
Lettuce 262 148 52 342 804
French bean 122 37 21 71 251
Green bean 62 68 30 127 287
Pepper 53 41 11 89 194
Tomato 297 192 156 248 893
Others 1,010 499 290 2,003 3,802
Citrus 5 0 0 7,025 7,030
Mandarin 1 0 0 5,362 5,363
Orange 2 0 0 1,654 1,656
Others 2 0 0 9 11
Fresh fruit 725 2,471 30,106 3,096 36,398
Pear 20 169 7,825 77 8,091
Apple 28 2,155 5,363 34 7,580
Peach and nectarine 354 48 7,375 919 8,696
Others 323 99 9,543 2,066 12,031
Dry fruit 682 1,103 14,912 26,652 43,349
Almond 533 11 14,213 17,083 31,840
Hazelnut 62 869 5 9,342 10,278
Others 87 223 694 227 1,231
Vines 21,540 2,134 4,542 25,999 54,215
Olives 2,404 2,841 34,909 62,622 102,776
Industrial crops 8,341 12,753 5,237 1,027 27,358
Sunflower 191 2,580 737 112 3,620
Others 8,150 10,173 4,500 915 23,738
Units: Hectares.
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Note: Surface area for citrus fruit, sweet fruit, dry fruit, vines and olives refer to surface area in production. Surfaces corresponding to young and/or abandoned plantations are not included.

Last update: November 10, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".