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Agricultural production. By products. Provinces

Agricultural production. By products. Provinces 2022
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Cereals 172,590 170,542 982,795 171,592 1,497,519
Corn 75,928 54,934 216,244 13,659 360,765
Barley 91,249 56,672 372,077 27,463 547,461
Sweet corn 462 46,258 356,822 474 404,016
Oats 2,923 4,670 5,551 2,205 15,349
Rice 0 5,401 295 126,542 132,238
Others 2,028 2,607 31,806 1,249 37,690
Leguminous for grain 1,424 1,035 11,288 834 14,581
Dry bean and small bean 272 508 122 85 987
Broad bean 234 63 3 5 305
Others 918 464 11,163 744 13,289
Fodder 306,016 684,827 1,599,861 40,363 2,631,067
Alfalfa 38,273 104,855 871,801 4,688 1,019,617
Sweet corn 31,712 180,560 214,404 24 426,700
Vetch 2,224 3,562 13,217 168 19,171
Others 233,807 395,850 500,439 35,483 1,165,579
Tubers 7,278 4,587 3,518 4,040 19,423
Potato 7,278 4,587 3,518 4,040 19,423
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Vegetables 65,614 31,021 32,144 75,331 204,110
Artichoke 5,207 231 139 5,446 11,023
Onion 8,655 5,310 17,512 3,454 34,931
Cabbage 4,005 1,004 1,048 5,432 11,489
Lettuce 5,635 3,871 1,231 8,526 19,263
French bean 1,182 437 179 693 2,491
Green bean 996 1,273 307 1,804 4,380
Pepper 1,367 931 201 1,924 4,423
Tomato 13,951 6,831 6,111 9,080 35,973
Others 24,616 11,133 5,416 38,972 80,137
Citrus 147 0 0 108,758 108,905
Mandarin 19 0 0 81,733 81,752
Orange 70 0 0 26,894 26,964
Others 58 0 0 131 189
Fresh fruit 5,018 92,626 420,037 15,575 533,256
Pear 280 2,666 92,152 566 95,664
Apple 547 88,342 128,047 583 217,519
Peach and nectarine 2,432 1,196 107,298 5,896 116,822
Others 1,759 422 92,540 8,530 103,251
Dry fruit 343 601 5,506 13,008 19,458
Almond 178 8 4,101 5,729 10,016
Hazelnut 46 464 5 6,920 7,435
Others 119 129 1,400 359 2,007
Vines (bunch) 143,487 8,547 39,757 166,948 358,739
Olive groves (olives) 1,999 2,077 32,784 36,928 73,788
Industrial crops 15,668 27,727 11,879 1,717 56,991
Sunflower 246 4,093 1,434 146 5,919
Others 15,422 23,634 10,445 1,571 51,072
Transformed products
Oil 359 317 6,029 7,224 13,929
Wine (hectolitres) 1,724,759 58,566 124,176 912,450 2,819,951
Units: Tons.
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.

Last update: November 10, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".