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Agricultural production. Main products. Provinces

Agricultural production. Main products. Provinces Catalonia
Corn Barley Sweet corn Fodder Fruit trees Vines Olive groves
2022 360,765 547,461 404,016 2,631,067 552,714 358,739 73,788
2021 509,707 691,590 426,620 3,617,181 844,988 421,626 176,201
2020 432,818 786,211 475,707 3,661,205 782,910 311,534 165,230
2019 271,118 556,513 334,221 3,400,218 1,038,114 430,155 181,020
2018 405,506 758,189 380,609 3,706,486 863,807 435,391 118,025
2017 288,342 634,699 366,246 3,111,833 1,051,719 371,841 170,379
2016 372,856 691,782 400,581 2,933,384 874,337 401,637 155,611
2015 281,963 477,811 362,321 2,868,181 862,543 441,400 142,757
2014 346,114 574,907 404,088 3,391,585 959,100 451,909 181,702
2013 454,216 824,678 437,804 3,152,772 833,732 499,711 128,352
2012 334,822 541,154 376,082 3,031,996 787,849 372,257 114,478
2011 400,589 525,216 370,387 2,510,095 1,051,662 451,203 107,133
2010 386,616 716,349 314,831 2,253,871 986,132 437,331 172,742
2009 303,237 623,181 336,852 2,070,711 863,951 439,828 151,110
2008 199,119 313,645 318,705 2,092,607 1,002,395 411,447 174,164
2007 268,651 527,542 313,142 2,484,156 986,257 417,937 102,412
2006 200,005 400,322 343,959 3,031,575 1,044,903 452,675 103,880
2005 133,978 190,070 342,292 2,844,332 1,132,987 384,413 121,024
2001 214,541 509,517 429,083 3,507,907 1,163,756 408,997 69,669
Units: Tons.
2001: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca. Direcció de Serveis.
2005-2008: Departament d'Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural.
2009-2013: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.
2014-2019: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
2020-2022: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Fruit trees do not including citrus fruits.
The vines includes table bunches and bunches for transformation.
The olive groves includes table olives and olives for transformation.
From 2007 the data is not strictly compatible with that of previous years due to the introduction of improved methodologies.

Last update: November 10, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".