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Livestock operations. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Livestock operations. By species. Counties and Aran 2022
Bovine Ovine Caprine Swine Total
Alt Camp 4 40 47 49 140
Alt Empordà 208 196 96 300 800
Alt Penedès 17 39 36 7 99
Alt Urgell 242 98 82 32 454
Alta Ribagorça 46 36 42 1 125
Anoia 28 45 47 100 220
Aran 23 70 48 0 141
Bages 213 114 117 278 722
Baix Camp 8 43 61 45 157
Baix Ebre 52 104 118 55 329
Baix Empordà 60 123 93 141 417
Baix Llobregat 4 57 66 3 130
Baix Penedès 2 18 18 20 58
Barcelonès 0 4 4 0 8
Berguedà 281 112 121 237 751
Cerdanya 219 66 41 7 333
Conca de Barberà 15 22 23 34 94
Garraf 1 7 10 0 18
Garrigues 156 43 33 191 423
Garrotxa 226 201 111 92 630
Gironès 120 121 64 121 426
Maresme 20 45 45 7 117
Moianès 74 36 30 69 209
Montsià 21 52 57 101 231
Noguera 320 65 56 696 1,137
Osona 601 245 166 742 1,754
Pallars Jussà 110 88 64 101 363
Pallars Sobirà 139 71 65 3 278
Pla d'Urgell 112 91 38 148 389
Pla de l'Estany 103 16 12 281 412
Priorat 2 12 22 12 48
Ribera d'Ebre 8 51 56 33 148
Ripollès 275 113 81 45 514
Segarra 117 25 31 285 458
Segrià 703 84 54 795 1,636
Selva 88 122 70 98 378
Solsonès 153 67 57 186 463
Tarragonès 5 21 22 8 56
Terra Alta 7 52 48 55 162
Urgell 132 23 20 309 484
Vallès Occidental 27 46 51 18 142
Vallès Oriental 133 127 119 83 462
Catalonia 5,075 3,011 2,442 5,788 16,316
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Note: The official brand is considered a livestock operation.
Livestock operations. By species. Counties and Aran 2022
Bovine Ovine Caprine Swine Total
Alt Camp 3,488 8,895 2,812 70,979 86,174
Alt Empordà 54,299 49,787 6,463 487,921 598,470
Alt Penedès 6,732 40,859 1,461 6,341 55,393
Alt Urgell 37,141 39,153 7,433 45,160 128,887
Alta Ribagorça 7,908 32,590 3,351 600 44,449
Anoia 8,785 15,189 2,282 175,613 201,869
Aran 2,101 33,579 8,708 0 44,388
Bages 38,384 54,603 7,629 422,232 522,848
Baix Camp 2,565 14,778 9,260 76,375 102,978
Baix Ebre 8,100 38,833 8,336 96,530 151,799
Baix Empordà 13,875 11,297 5,463 178,861 209,496
Baix Llobregat 850 15,791 711 1,517 18,869
Baix Penedès 465 442 219 28,968 30,094
Barcelonès 0 41,599 6,116 0 47,715
Berguedà 44,755 12,063 1,234 335,286 393,338
Cerdanya 25,334 5,488 1,812 3,877 36,511
Conca de Barberà 4,392 4,789 393 70,585 80,159
Garraf 200 28,351 4,417 0 32,968
Garrigues 36,991 27,029 4,837 459,748 528,605
Garrotxa 30,765 19,163 2,265 113,206 165,399
Gironès 21,427 27,170 2,077 147,828 198,502
Maresme 2,633 3,813 3,259 11,868 21,573
Moianès 10,902 10,674 3,301 88,142 113,019
Montsià 2,591 11,877 4,521 200,666 219,655
Noguera 91,946 54,523 7,829 1,437,025 1,591,323
Osona 107,706 69,770 11,761 1,115,930 1,305,167
Pallars Jussà 21,051 73,307 7,955 171,671 273,984
Pallars Sobirà 20,370 44,053 5,894 2,471 72,788
Pla d'Urgell 34,789 10,958 3,128 505,046 553,921
Pla de l'Estany 21,874 16,548 2,020 210,424 250,866
Priorat 365 2,875 1,284 7,459 11,983
Ribera d'Ebre 808 11,813 9,172 50,623 72,416
Ripollès 39,242 20,955 3,828 20,470 84,495
Segarra 27,844 12,480 2,894 442,422 485,640
Segrià 211,730 59,548 8,817 1,608,535 1,888,630
Selva 16,450 39,067 4,916 91,518 151,951
Solsonès 26,494 2,762 401 300,401 330,058
Tarragonès 1,681 15,640 2,856 10,230 30,407
Terra Alta 996 14,975 2,631 78,001 96,603
Urgell 30,304 9,187 2,432 573,229 615,152
Vallès Occidental 5,749 16,884 3,352 30,463 56,448
Vallès Oriental 28,460 32,728 7,805 94,253 163,246
Catalonia 1,052,542 1,055,885 187,335 9,772,474 12,068,236
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Note: The official brand is considered a livestock operation.

Last update: October 30, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Livestock operation
The entirety of the animals, equipment or buildings and other assets and rights that are commercialised by their owner for livestock production, primarily for market purposes, which is located on an estate or contiguous group of estates operated by a single owner. Livestock operation that is divided by pathways or other roads open to traffic is still considered as such.
Includes animals on the operation, plus transhumant livestock and livestock as part of an integration or contract scheme i.e. that implies dependence on supplies and sales.

Methodological aspects

Livestock operations must be registered in the Register of Livestock Operations handled by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment. It is obligatory for all livestock operations located in Catalonia to be included in this administrative record. This register contains data related to the activity or activities carried out as part of the operation, as well as data on capacity categorised by species. Inclusion on the register is a prerequisite for the start of any livestock activity, for issuing documents related to the operation and for obtaining grants. The time reference is 1st March of the reference year.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment has promoted the SIR management program (Catalan Livestock Information System), which is a means of electronic communication between the various livestock sectors, allowing them to manage their operations directly, streamlining the procedures related to animal movement and identification, and the operation's registration. "This digital management means a substantial saving in time and journeys to the different branches of the Ministry, especially in those rural areas where operations are often harder to reach and isolated, while at the same time offering information on currently active operations.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".