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Livestock units. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Livestock units. By species. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Bovine Ovine Caprine Swine Mother rabbits Poultry Total
Alt Camp 957 349 107 18,808 1 9,523 29,744
Alt Empordà 20,957 2,465 199 122,844 36 10,151 156,651
Alt Penedès 2,206 1,452 67 1,524 127 5,264 10,640
Alt Urgell 18,376 1,845 244 12,493 9 3,400 36,367
Alta Ribagorça 1,897 1,244 76 885 0 0 4,102
Anoia 2,574 627 97 43,141 210 8,341 54,989
Aran 25,054 1,070 75 13,446 0 870 40,516
Bages 10,192 1,226 266 93,824 177 10,203 115,888
Baix Camp 915 1,782 296 18,922 312 16,703 38,931
Baix Ebre 1,872 529 402 21,320 82 47,296 71,501
Baix Empordà 6,142 2,072 233 37,814 17 3,791 50,070
Baix LLobregat 519 551 168 302 26 49 1,614
Baix Penedès 54 817 17 7,450 2 5,032 13,372
Barcelonès 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Berguedà 16,180 2,259 242 78,616 64 3,077 100,438
Cerdanya 10,233 658 49 272 0 22 11,235
Conca de Barberà 1,438 347 147 17,846 58 2,853 22,688
Garraf 0 156 30 221 0 29 437
Garrigues 8,422 1,146 270 122,900 88 22,477 155,303
Garrotxa 11,454 1,355 153 31,731 32 3,596 48,321
Gironès 12,427 553 82 25,582 57 6,168 44,869
Maresme 1,619 150 114 2,124 51 1,925 5,982
Moianès 4,036 497 123 25,621 63 1,080 31,421
Montsià 772 581 216 51,096 109 36,004 88,778
Noguera 26,593 2,714 333 351,855 238 32,440 414,173
Osona 48,030 3,541 462 286,463 185 1,975 340,655
Pallars Jussà 7,306 4,145 274 50,762 27 3,118 65,632
Pallars Sobirà 10,262 2,702 195 3,031 0 1,820 18,010
Pla d'Urgell 7,678 204 166 132,657 0 14,446 155,151
Pla de l'Estany 10,699 806 92 68,684 9 2,442 82,731
Priorat 248 96 26 2,492 48 3,609 6,519
Ribera d'Ebre 213 361 531 13,844 40 5,497 20,487
Ripollès 16,180 788 104 5,545 0 52 22,670
Segarra 9,636 532 149 121,819 83 23,588 155,807
Segrià 50,081 2,929 94 415,231 229 24,255 492,818
Selva 10,043 967 37 28,959 20 2,406 42,432
Solsonès 7,032 1,405 118 70,553 53 6,809 85,969
Tarragonès 485 131 24 2,592 26 8,358 11,616
Terra Alta 278 760 132 22,420 124 17,834 41,547
Urgell 6,647 725 139 147,168 33 17,782 172,494
Vallès Occidental 1,853 808 130 6,029 19 932 9,771
Vallès Oriental 10,324 1,536 306 30,983 112 1,727 44,987
Catalonia 381,885 48,877 6,982 2,509,869 2,768 366,943 3,317,324
Metropolità 15,687 3,167 724 44,507 208 4,715 69,008
Comarques Gironines 87,903 9,006 900 321,159 171 28,605 447,744
Camp de Tarragona 4,042 2,705 600 60,660 445 41,046 109,498
Terres de l'Ebre 3,135 2,231 1,280 108,680 355 106,631 222,313
Ponent 109,057 8,250 1,150 1,291,630 671 134,987 1,545,746
Comarques Centrals 84,766 8,912 1,228 578,922 661 26,185 700,673
Alt Pirineu i Aran 73,128 11,664 913 80,890 36 9,231 175,861
Penedès 4,167 2,943 188 23,421 221 15,543 46,483
Barcelona 96,381 12,830 1,982 564,517 1,035 34,602 711,347
Girona 94,409 9,399 952 325,489 171 28,620 459,038
Lleida 183,864 20,896 2,152 1,443,073 760 151,012 1,801,757
Tarragona 7,231 5,752 1,897 176,790 802 152,709 345,182
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.

Last update: November 8, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Includes animals on the operation, plus transhumant livestock and livestock as part of an integration or contract scheme i.e. that implies dependence on supplies and sales.
Livestock unit (UR)
Unit used to measure the livestock sector that is obtained by applying a coefficient to each species and type in order to be able to express different species in terms of the same equivalent unit.

Methodological aspects

The Agricultural Census is a large-scale statistical operation carried out every ten years. Its objective is to collect, compile and disseminate information that allows us to understand the structure of the agricultural sector at a given point in time.

The aspects covered by the census include farm size, tenure status, irrigation methods, land use, livestock, labour, rural development and storage facilities.

In Catalonia, the 1962, 1982, 2009 and 2020 agricultural censuses were carried out by Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE), while the 1989 and 1999 censuses were carried out by Idescat, with support from the then Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment (now the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda).

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".