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Generalitat road network. Traffic. Provinces

Generalitat road network. Traffic. Provinces 2022
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Average IMD (vehicles/day) (1) 15,308 6,384 2,720 4,825 7,801
Vehicles-kilometre (millions) (2) 11,474.0 2,858.0 1,538.0 1,183.0 17,003.0
Heavy vehicles (% of IMD) 7.66 7.43 9.21 6.45 7.65
Source: Ministry of Territory.
(1) Average daily intensity of traffic.
(2) Vehicles-kilometre covered over the year.

Last update: December 19, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The information on roads, motorways and dual carriageways, both that corresponding to kilometres of network and to investment, is provided by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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