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Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By year of construction. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Buildings designed mainly as dwellings. By year of construction. Counties, areas and provinces 2011
Hasta 1980 From 1981 to 1990 From 1991 to 2001 From 2002 to 2011 Total
Alt Camp 9,468 1,727 1,846 2,414 15,455
Alt Empordà 28,963 10,439 5,214 5,750 50,366
Alt Penedès 15,281 3,481 3,957 4,291 27,010
Alt Urgell 4,500 600 794 1,257 7,151
Alta Ribagorça 564 32 74 591 1,261
Anoia 18,562 3,769 4,723 4,517 31,571
Bages 25,108 5,289 5,196 4,147 39,740
Baix Camp 19,272 5,805 6,341 5,489 36,907
Baix Ebre 16,389 3,245 2,917 1,920 24,471
Baix Empordà 28,565 8,260 5,198 7,282 49,305
Baix Llobregat 50,930 13,526 17,705 8,898 91,059
Baix Penedès 14,549 8,584 6,703 4,391 34,227
Barcelonès 85,296 5,049 7,083 4,422 101,850
Berguedà 7,773 1,079 1,271 1,732 11,855
Cerdanya 4,368 1,290 2,400 1,240 9,298
Conca de Barberà 6,730 805 933 1,602 10,070
Garraf 13,820 4,911 6,406 3,428 28,565
Garrigues 7,068 878 748 886 9,580
Garrotxa 11,107 1,456 1,833 1,863 16,259
Gironès 17,069 3,684 4,103 4,288 29,144
Maresme 42,749 13,316 12,677 9,110 77,852
Montsià 14,396 2,893 2,735 1,533 21,557
Noguera 9,680 1,472 1,435 1,037 13,624
Osona 22,205 5,307 5,407 5,110 38,029
Pallars Jussà 3,991 278 326 936 5,531
Pallars Sobirà 1,831 165 409 1,006 3,411
Pla d'Urgell 6,618 848 1,290 1,648 10,404
Pla de l'Estany 5,343 1,047 931 1,007 8,328
Priorat 4,615 701 636 269 6,221
Ribera d'Ebre 7,182 784 729 612 9,307
Ripollès 5,619 839 1,079 987 8,524
Segarra 4,894 558 932 997 7,381
Segrià 19,152 3,721 4,611 4,892 32,376
Selva 22,882 8,060 6,392 7,535 44,869
Solsonès 2,829 561 575 444 4,409
Tarragonès 18,563 6,981 6,912 4,170 36,626
Terra Alta 4,581 909 497 140 6,127
Urgell 7,205 1,009 1,283 1,849 11,346
Val d'Aran 2,273 444 350 721 3,788
Vallès Occidental 72,166 18,192 21,426 12,896 124,680
Vallès Oriental 35,998 15,034 15,143 11,612 77,787
Catalonia 700,154 167,028 171,220 138,919 1,177,321
Metropolità 287,139 65,117 74,034 46,938 473,228
Comarques Gironines 119,548 33,785 24,750 28,712 206,795
Camp de Tarragona 58,648 16,019 16,668 13,944 105,279
Terres de l'Ebre 42,548 7,831 6,878 4,205 61,462
Ponent 54,617 8,486 10,299 11,309 84,711
Comarques Centrals 57,915 12,236 12,449 11,433 94,033
Alt Pirineu i Aran 17,527 2,809 4,353 5,751 30,440
Penedès 62,212 20,745 21,789 16,627 121,373
Barcelona 389,534 88,984 101,234 70,021 649,773
Girona 122,259 34,585 26,456 29,797 213,097
Lleida 72,616 11,025 13,281 16,561 113,483
Tarragona 115,745 32,434 30,249 22,540 200,968
Source: Idescat, based on the Census of Buildings INE's.
Note: Does not include buildings under construction. Law 23/2010, of July 22, on the creation of the area of Penedès, divides Catalonia into eight territorial planning areas. This change implies that the data for the Metropolitan Area, Central Counties and Camp de Tarragona are not directly comparable with previous years.

Last update: December 19, 2013.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Building (census)
Permanent construction, separate and independent, conceived for use as housing or for purposes relating to an economic activity. Includes buildings with a generally finished structure in which the highest floor has been covered, even though the interior walls and installations have not yet been completed, but not those that have been demolished or that are unoccupied due to being in ruins.
Family dwelling (census)
Room or set of rooms that occupy a building or a part of it that is structurally separate and that, due to the way in which it is constructed, reconstructed or transformed is used as housing by one or several people and is not used for other purposes. This includes: main home, second home or unoccupied home.

Methodological aspects

The Census of Buildings is the set of operations of collection, processing, evaluation and data analysis of existing buildings of a country with reference to a particular time or period. It is done every ten years to determine the number, geographic distribution and characteristics of the existing buildings on the reference date. In Spain, the Census of Buildings is a national operation, conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

The Census of Buildings 2011 is a statistical operation that took place at the reference date of November 1, 2011 in conjunction with the Population and Housing Censuses 2011. It has been designed to collect comprehensive information of all the completed buildings that contain at least one dwelling, with enumeration of all properties located in them and determination of their basic characteristics.

The objectives of Census of Buildings are:

  • enumerate and geo-reference all buildings that contain at least one dwelling
  • determine the characteristics of buildings
  • enumerate all properties contained in each building
  • select the properties that will form part of the Population and Housing Survey
  • provide a georeferenced comprehensive directory of buildings that contain at least one dwelling and all its properties. Georeferencing allows the exact identification of buildings despite changes in the address and, consequently, their unambiguous identification.

The scope of the Census of Buildings 2011 comprises all the buildings (regardless of their primary use) that are completed and contain at least one dwelling, with enumeration of all properties located in them. That is, buildings containing no dwelling are not included. This is the main difference compared to previous censuses. The Census of Buildings 2011 is limited to buildings containing at least one dwelling, and provides no information on other buildings. In previous censuses only buildings used exclusively for agricultural or livestock were excluded. In this census are excluded, as well, buildings that contain no dwelling, regardless of use.

Buildings that after to be totally or partially demolished were reconstructed and were not topped out at the census date.

Additionally, were not included:

  • Buildings that were demolished and those that were in a ruinous condition and uninhabited.
  • Constructions at squares, footways or recreational facilities for selling drinks, tobacco, press
  • Buildings for exclusively agricultural production purposes that at the same time were not used for family, collective housing purposes or for activities other than agricultural production.

The variables included in Census of Buildings 2011 are the following:

  • type of building
  • number of properties in the building
  • year of construction
  • number of floors
  • building condition
  • kind of dwellings
  • facilities

Census of Buildings 2001 was conducted in conjunction with Population and Housing Census 2001, at the reference date of November 1, 2001. It includes buildings for housing, both family and collective, as well as buildings for purposes other than housing, with the exception of those exclusively used for agricultural production. One difference respect previous censuses is that it only counts completed buildings.

Censuses of buildings 1980 and 1990 comprised all buildings for housing purposes and for other purposes, except those for exclusively agricultural production. These censuses also comprised completed buildings and those that were under construction and topped out, that is, those that already got finished the general structure of the building and had covered the last floor. The following buildings were excluded:

  • Buildings that were demolished or were empty because of their ruinous condition
  • Buildings for exclusively agricultural production purposes

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".