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Sports facilities. By type. Counties and Aran, and areas

Sports facilities. By types. Counties and Aran 2023
Multi-purpose pitches Pools Multi-purpose tracks Specialised courts Other conventional facilities Unique facilities Areas of sporting activity
Multi-purpose pitches Athletics facilities Outdoor pools Indoor pools Outdoors tracks Sports halls Tennis courts Paddle courts Halls Squash courts Fronton courts Petanque courts Other conventional facilities Total Horse riding Golf Motor racing facilities Climbing walls Other unique facilities Urban area Natural area Itineraries Bicycle circuits Total Total
Alt Camp 24 5 73 5 70 10 22 14 52 1 5 24 0 305 5 1 2 6 7 30 5 41 0 97 402
Alt Empordà 144 10 452 25 268 23 122 61 236 6 8 88 0 1,443 21 15 7 8 59 152 32 174 14 482 1,925
Alt Penedès 55 3 110 10 148 21 35 51 127 4 5 71 0 640 16 0 1 8 21 111 11 66 10 244 884
Alt Urgell 13 0 39 6 45 4 8 18 31 0 0 11 0 175 8 3 6 2 5 10 7 20 1 62 237
Alta Ribagorça 6 2 29 3 18 1 4 3 6 0 0 2 0 74 2 1 0 3 5 9 15 5 0 40 114
Anoia 37 8 97 18 173 26 42 50 159 7 11 65 0 693 11 1 9 15 18 89 3 29 5 180 873
Aran 6 0 35 26 22 5 4 7 34 1 1 4 0 145 2 4 0 5 2 17 20 64 0 114 259
Bages 90 8 147 22 242 27 60 67 265 6 7 101 0 1,042 6 7 11 22 39 100 11 69 7 272 1,314
Baix Camp 68 16 449 27 249 28 93 117 259 2 7 39 1 1,355 31 12 2 14 22 62 14 57 20 234 1,589
Baix Ebre 28 4 202 14 106 18 33 43 104 1 3 8 1 565 3 4 8 2 13 27 13 11 7 88 653
Baix Empordà 111 6 775 31 242 28 250 91 218 11 15 108 0 1,886 31 27 12 8 61 145 28 131 12 455 2,341
Baix Llobregat 132 49 906 106 763 85 414 346 969 35 76 144 1 4,026 56 19 7 32 79 356 7 47 106 709 4,735
Baix Penedès 27 5 542 17 167 12 79 39 125 1 16 121 0 1,151 0 8 6 5 10 49 11 8 2 99 1,250
Barcelonès 154 74 619 256 1,387 151 296 319 2,242 57 59 529 2 6,145 14 7 0 57 67 418 30 11 153 757 6,902
Berguedà 39 0 128 17 119 10 25 18 100 0 6 49 0 511 8 0 6 15 9 55 25 43 0 161 672
Cerdanya 20 0 117 11 61 9 31 26 42 1 0 21 0 339 18 4 2 10 13 19 30 33 0 129 468
Conca de Barberà 16 0 64 2 68 9 8 6 36 0 2 12 0 223 6 0 3 3 8 27 1 46 0 94 317
Garraf 21 7 439 19 148 13 71 66 194 1 13 52 0 1,044 22 6 0 11 16 69 13 7 43 187 1,231
Garrigues 16 5 62 0 48 4 10 11 34 0 3 10 0 203 0 0 3 1 2 26 0 16 0 48 251
Garrotxa 71 10 120 12 126 15 17 15 92 0 8 22 0 508 19 0 0 10 12 69 2 106 21 239 747
Gironès 92 9 112 17 256 50 60 54 241 5 6 104 0 1,006 27 9 1 15 14 121 2 77 40 306 1,312
Maresme 128 26 1,280 82 521 60 298 267 566 12 50 313 1 3,604 24 24 1 31 67 237 51 59 35 529 4,133
Moianès 23 0 40 3 29 4 11 2 17 3 2 16 0 150 2 5 1 3 6 27 5 10 6 65 215
Montsià 24 4 176 5 103 11 27 35 81 1 4 12 0 483 2 0 5 3 14 48 9 20 7 108 591
Noguera 37 1 125 5 81 16 19 14 68 1 7 25 0 399 3 0 5 7 14 46 9 54 0 138 537
Osona 95 13 148 30 231 44 76 68 235 4 6 45 0 995 34 8 1 25 36 151 9 59 55 378 1,373
Pallars Jussà 10 0 41 1 36 8 6 2 27 2 2 15 0 150 0 0 1 4 7 14 7 22 0 55 205
Pallars Sobirà 23 0 65 8 37 3 11 6 30 0 1 8 0 192 5 2 2 6 18 12 42 130 0 217 409
Pla d'Urgell 26 5 52 2 49 17 9 18 41 2 6 16 0 243 7 0 1 0 9 18 2 0 3 40 283
Pla de l'Estany 41 3 95 4 69 11 17 13 57 3 1 29 0 343 23 3 0 3 5 37 7 43 10 131 474
Priorat 15 0 56 0 38 2 2 5 17 0 0 11 0 146 0 0 0 4 2 11 7 48 0 72 218
Ribera d'Ebre 19 6 53 3 49 8 10 15 27 1 1 44 0 236 2 0 3 0 6 23 9 4 0 47 283
Ripollès 30 0 80 14 76 11 25 25 63 1 1 19 0 345 10 4 0 8 9 48 13 67 1 160 505
Segarra 13 1 53 4 47 7 7 13 46 1 3 25 0 220 0 3 3 1 8 10 2 0 0 27 247
Segrià 86 19 201 19 300 40 76 98 303 5 14 48 1 1,210 12 8 17 25 42 120 7 40 40 311 1,521
Selva 87 9 493 52 232 37 130 88 223 5 15 101 1 1,473 15 10 17 14 40 122 15 54 14 301 1,774
Solsonès 11 0 27 2 49 5 15 4 27 0 6 12 0 158 2 6 1 5 5 10 7 65 0 101 259
Tarragonès 103 17 777 67 362 29 111 143 329 10 10 140 2 2,100 19 9 8 5 36 164 14 10 17 282 2,382
Terra Alta 13 0 39 1 29 4 5 2 11 0 3 5 0 112 0 0 1 2 3 13 2 7 0 28 140
Urgell 23 0 66 11 61 13 13 11 53 4 1 9 0 265 6 3 5 0 4 27 0 43 7 95 360
Vallès Occidental 169 76 767 91 816 94 246 397 1,079 31 46 356 0 4,168 48 18 4 49 85 331 6 49 152 742 4,910
Vallès Oriental 132 37 195 58 464 58 160 188 466 8 29 315 1 2,111 52 25 17 32 72 226 4 73 63 564 2,675
Catalonia 2,278 438 10,346 1,106 8,405 1,031 2,958 2,836 9,332 233 459 3,149 11 42,582 572 256 179 479 970 3,656 507 1,918 851 9,388 51,970
Units: Number of sports facilities.
Source: Consell Català de l'Esport.

Last update: February 9, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Sports space
Type of sports facility. According to their basic characteristics, these are classified into three main categories: 1) conventional, spaces constructed for the practice of the most traditional sports; 2) singular, spaces constructed for the practice of sports (though possibly regulated) whose size and characteristics are adapted to each use; 3) activity areas, not strictly sporting spaces, such as natural infrastructures or spaces, where physical and sporting activities can be practiced.
Sports facility
Construction made especially for or adapted for sports and physical activity, which must be available for collective use (not exclusively for family use), and may be public or private. Excluded are spaces belonging to any hospital or care centre, and spaces of a well-defined non-sporting nature.

Methodological aspects

Data published on sports equipment and participation provided by the Catalan Sports Council.

The Catalan Sports Council has managed the Census of Sports Facilities in Catalonia (CEEC). This census provides updated information on sports facility data on December 31.

In consideration of the characteristics of sports facilties, data is offered on the following types of sports facility and by types from 2000 to 2018:

Conventional facilities

  • pavilions (indoor multisport courts >400 m2)
  • multisport courts (multisport courts and other courts >400 m2)
  • multisport fields (multisport fields, specialised and oher sport fields >2000 m2; since 2013, >1500m2)
  • sports halls (sports, specialised and other halls >50 m2)
  • fronton courts
  • tennis courts
  • squash
  • paddle
  • open air pools (open air swimming pool basins >50 m2)
  • indoor pools (indoor swimming pool basins >50 m2)
  • athletic tracks (athletic tracks of a minimum length of 200 m)
  • petanque courts
  • other spaces (velodromes, skate parks and other convetional athletic and arenas, and other small and non-regulatory spaces)

Areas of activity and singular spaces:

  • bicycle parks
  • artificial climbing walls
  • archery ranges
  • motor racing tracks
  • golf and pitch and putt courses
  • sports activity centres with refuges, footpaths, cross-country biking, marinas, etc.
  • other singular spaces (skiing, equestrian, minigolf, skateboarding, etc.)

Since 2017, the CEEC (Sports Facilities Census in Catalonia) has included private residential and tourist installations (neighbourhood communities, hotels, campsites, rural houses, etc.). In parallel to the increase in the number of outdoor pools, many tennis courts and, to a lesser extent, sports courts were added to the CEEC in 2017. The above are the three chief kinds of sports facilities located within residential and tourist installations.

In 2019 the Catalan Sports Council changed the classification of facilities as a result of the updating of the methodological base of the CEEC (Census of Catalan Sports Facilities):

Sports facilities:

  • Multi-purpose pitches: multi-purpose pitches and athletics facilities.
  • Pools: outdoor and indoor pools.
  • Multi-purpose tracks: outdoors tracks and sports halls.
  • Specialised courts: tennis and paddle courts.
  • Other conventional facilities: halls, squash, fronton and pétanque courts, other conventional facilities not included in the previous categories.
  • Unique facilities: horse riding, golf, racetracks and motor racing facilities, climbing walls and other unique spaces not included in the previous categories.

Areas of sporting activity:

  • Urban area: areas of activity in urban environment.
  • Natural area: areas of activity in natural environment.
  • Itineraries: walking and running itineraries.
  • Bicycle circuits: itineraries and lanes for bicycles.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".