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Declared epidemics

Declared epidemics Catalonia. 2013
Outbreaks Affected Hospitalised Deaths
Food poisoning 78 698 51 0
Acute gastroenteritis 50 722 10 1
Viral hepatitis 16 116 7 0
Legionella 16 72 64 3
Pulmonary tuberculosis 62 156 77 1
Chemical poisoning 7 (1) 24 21 0
Pertussis 175 597 61 0
Sarna 8 62 0 0
Ringworm 3 12 0 0
Scarlet 13 42 0 0
Pneumonia 5 31 5 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Measles 6 39 2 0
Hand-foot-mouth syndrome 9 126 0 0
Conjunctivitis 4 76 0 0
Mumps 47 230 3 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Dermatitis 6 (2) 180 0 0
Infecció respiratòria aguda inespecífica 1 17 2 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Síndrome irritativa 3 84 0 0
Varicela 5 147 3 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Mononucleosis infecciosa 1 3 0 0
Gonocòccia 1 2 0 0
Paludisme 1 2 2 0
Lipoatròfia semicircular 8 47 0 0
Infecció per MRSA 1 5 0 0
Febre tifoide/ paratifoide 2 5 5 0
Febre botonosa mediterrània 1 2 1 0
Grip 5 283 1 0
Virus Respiratori Sincitial 1 4 4 0
Virasi inespecífica 1 100 0 0
Tos pertusoide 1 2 0 0
Síndrome hemolítica urèmica 1 1 1 0
Total 538 3,887 320 5
Source: Ministry of Health.
(1) 7 intoxicacions per gas.
(2) 2 Impetigen, 4 picades insecte.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: April 7, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Manifestation in a collective or geographical zone of a number of cases of a certain disease which clearly exceeds the normal expected incidence of the same.

Methodological aspects

The Obligatory Notifiable Diseases system (MDO) is based on the notification doctors do when they suspect of the existence of any of the diseases included in the MDO list. One of the main functions of the MDO is the epidemiological survilliance of the diseases and epidemic outbreaks of any etiology that are meant to be primary controled in Catalonia.

In 1996, when publishing the Royal Decree for the creation of the Epidemiological Survilliance Net, the Workgroup for the Epidemiological Survilliance of the Interterritorial Board of the National Health System agreed case definitions of the diseases to be notified to distinguish the notified cases, the confirmed ones and those not confirmed evenly in whole Spain.

The Emergency Service for the Epidemiological Survilliance in Catalonia (SUVEC) started to work in 2001 to react in front of the diseases notifications declared urgent and the epidemic outbreaks of any etiology done by doctors of the medical assistence network in Catalonia in the afternoons and nights of every day of the week, on weekends and public holidays. SUVEC aims to detect early the diseases of urgent notification, the epidemic outbreaks of any etiology and other epidemiological alerts that happen in other Spanish regions and Europe when they affect the Catalan territory, and to react in front of them immediatly and properly to take the right survilliance actions as soon as posible in order to protect the population health and to avoid that alerts on health problems become social alarm.

As it is important to react promptly, this sort of incidents ar communicated when they are suspected to be, before to receive the laboratory confirmation. SUVEC acts together with all the medical assistence and public health networwork. It takes into account the protocols of the Departament de Salut and the best scientific evidence, and documents its actions through the corresponding reports.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".