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Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education

Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of studies Catalonia. 2023
Heroin Cocaine Cannabis Tobacco Alcohol Others Total
By sex 1,115 3,492 2,046 598 6,555 975 14,781
Men 980 2,836 1,548 317 4,742 766 11,189
Women 135 656 498 281 1,813 209 3,592
By age groups 1,115 3,492 2,046 598 6,555 975 14,781
<14 years 0 1 18 1 1 1 22
<19 years 3 40 311 2 40 23 419
20-24 years 22 205 390 3 181 75 876
25-29 years 72 292 337 10 340 117 1,168
30-34 years 113 500 290 26 533 134 1,596
35-39 years 164 632 234 23 645 150 1,848
40-44 years 218 704 187 63 916 153 2,241
45-49 years 208 561 135 79 1,070 126 2,179
50-54 years 167 331 74 86 963 90 1,711
55-59 years 85 150 29 98 823 51 1,236
60 years and more 63 69 38 207 1,034 55 1,466
Unknown 0 7 3 0 9 0 19
By employment situation 1,115 3,492 2,046 598 6,555 975 14,781
Indefinite contract or freelance 119 1,216 581 277 2,513 299 5,005
Temporary contract 89 380 234 25 666 87 1,481
Unsalaried work 13 26 14 2 31 7 93
No work experience 151 109 127 5 113 50 555
Unemployed 345 1,100 563 78 1,707 262 4,055
Permanently incapacitated or pensioner 143 288 121 177 1,036 128 1,893
Student 1 19 212 4 40 22 298
Domestic work 3 4 4 1 19 3 34
Other situation 155 279 150 26 326 88 1,024
Unknown 96 71 40 3 104 29 343
By education level 1,115 3,492 2,046 598 6,555 975 14,781
Does not know how to read or write (ISCED 0) 17 21 13 0 24 9 84
Compulsory primary education not finished (ISCED 0) 215 313 155 77 472 71 1,303
Compulsory primary education finished (ISCED 1) 379 856 496 234 1,452 192 3,609
Lower secondary education finished (ISCED 2) 229 1,071 626 69 1,687 262 3,944
High-school educ. or intermediate vocat. training educ. finished (ISCED 3) 151 827 470 116 1,650 231 3,445
Higher education finished (ISCED 5 to 8) 52 288 216 95 990 173 1,814
Unknown 72 116 70 7 280 37 582
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: Others types of drug includes different opioids to heroin, different stimulants to cocaine, hypnotic, sedative and hallucinogenic substances, inhalable substances and other psycho-active substances.

Last update: July 25, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Substance of any type that can be introduced in the body, that acts on the central nervous system and causes changes that can affect the behaviour, moods and perceptions.
Drug addiction
Disorder that implies dependence on or addiction to drugs, even the incapacity to reduce or control their consumption.

Methodological aspects

Number of treatments initiated at the Care Network for Drug Addictions.