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Basic social services. Professionals. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Basic social services. Professionals. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2022
Social work diplomas Social education diplomas Home care (hours)
Alt Camp 12 8 32,140
Alt Empordà 35 21 64,026
Alt Penedès 24 16 71,453
Alt Urgell 7 3 5,069
Alta Ribagorça 2 1 11,243
Anoia 35 17 86,777
Aran 0 0 14,170
Bages 45 27 135,951
Baix Camp 51 28 160,745
Baix Ebre 20 13 52,156
Baix Empordà 36 22 71,648
Baix Llobregat 191 124 1,089,642
Baix Penedès 28 17 38,841
Barcelonès 613 324 4,352,957
Berguedà 11 8 54,162
Cerdanya 5 3 11,152
Conca de Barberà 7 2 11,098
Garraf 34 23 160,894
Garrigues 7 3 7,873
Garrotxa 14 10 53,368
Gironès 48 28 127,343
Maresme 121 70 557,688
Moianès 4 3 8,335
Montsià 17 13 28,375
Noguera 12 6 66,589
Osona 41 25 155,304
Pallars Jussà 5 2 18,770
Pallars Sobirà 3 2 10,907
Pla d'Urgell 9 5 35,015
Pla de l'Estany 9 5 34,035
Priorat 3 2 25,418
Ribera d'Ebre 7 4 19,341
Ripollès 10 2 23,556
Segarra 6 3 15,837
Segrià 55 35 105,121
Selva 41 29 132,697
Solsonès 4 3 25,901
Tarragonès 68 37 152,418
Terra Alta 4 2 21,436
Urgell 8 6 14,370
Vallès Occidental 220 134 1,189,907
Vallès Oriental 103 67 292,092
Catalonia 1,968 1,145 9,545,817
Metropolità 1,247 719 7,482,286
Comarques Gironines 192 116 506,672
Camp de Tarragona 141 76 381,819
Terres de l'Ebre 48 31 121,308
Ponent 97 58 244,805
Comarques Centrals 104 65 379,652
Alt Pirineu i Aran 21 10 71,310
Penedès 121 72 357,965
Barcelona 1,439 836 8,155,162
Girona 197 118 517,824
Lleida 117 69 330,863
Tarragona 216 123 541,968
Source: Ministry of Social Rights.
Basic primary social care teams financed by the Ministry.
Including technicians of the covid addendum (measure 45.14) on strengthening basic social care services (SBAS).

Last update: February 6, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Primary social care services
Immediate point of access to the Catalan social service system, the first level of the same and the closest to the user and family and social environments. These services are provided by multi-professional teams and are aimed at all people that live in Catalonia and especially those suffering from social problems.

Methodological aspects

The Catalan social services system is a coordinated set of personal services, establishments, financial benefits and general activities for prevention, care and social promotion that exist in Catalonia, and which seek participation of all citizens in social welfare benefits. They are especially aimed at people, families and groups that, due to difficulties with development or integration in society, a lack of personal autonomy, physical, psychological or sensorial disabilities, family problems or some kind of social marginalisation, require collective attention and solidarity.

The system is functionally structured into primary care social services and specialised care social services; and territorially is sectored into the basic areas of social services, county sectors, regional sectors and territorial areas of Catalonia in the followings fields of activity: family, child and adolescent care; care for the disabled; care for the elderly and care for drug addicts.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".