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Parliament of Catalonia. Votes. By candidacies. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Parliament of Catalonia. 14 February 2021. Electors and votes. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
Electors Voters Not valid votes Blank votes
Alt Camp 32,247 16,985 262 143
Alt Empordà 87,818 45,852 836 430
Alt Penedès 78,867 45,268 662 395
Alt Urgell 15,076 8,085 158 102
Alta Ribagorça 2,919 1,673 35 19
Anoia 90,495 46,800 733 482
Aran 7,208 3,493 122 41
Bages 129,568 70,174 864 642
Baix Camp 131,684 66,038 1,118 496
Baix Ebre 54,329 26,281 992 235
Baix Empordà 90,302 48,228 776 457
Baix Llobregat 603,739 316,858 4,130 2,764
Baix Penedès 75,766 34,318 742 268
Barcelonès 1,530,604 825,240 9,527 5,640
Berguedà 30,823 17,889 281 181
Cerdanya 13,567 7,488 219 73
Conca de Barberà 14,931 8,615 195 97
Garraf 107,759 56,097 710 460
Garrigues 13,976 8,550 169 130
Garrotxa 40,465 23,325 353 273
Gironès 124,223 72,208 1,110 582
Maresme 329,520 178,538 2,202 1,459
Moianès 10,567 6,479 99 73
Montsià 47,358 22,455 687 226
Noguera 26,783 15,412 302 166
Osona 112,082 67,160 915 687
Pallars Jussà 9,805 5,715 115 64
Pallars Sobirà 5,477 3,589 96 46
Pla d'Urgell 24,487 13,792 298 183
Pla de l'Estany 22,386 14,442 249 120
Priorat 7,067 5,054 106 46
Ribera d'Ebre 15,803 9,435 240 92
Ripollès 19,520 11,178 326 113
Segarra 14,080 8,033 179 130
Segrià 140,284 72,952 1,220 779
Selva 115,050 58,292 1,034 539
Solsonès 10,016 5,743 122 54
Tarragonès 174,200 88,582 1,414 714
Terra Alta 8,650 5,339 130 60
Urgell 24,832 14,031 233 198
Vallès Occidental 669,983 355,599 4,527 3,000
Vallès Oriental 304,587 162,844 2,464 1,373
Non county 255,164 10,716 478 55
Catalonia 5,624,067 2,884,845 41,430 24,087
Metropolità 3,438,433 1,839,079 22,850 14,236
Comarques Gironines 296,810 169,796 2,348 1,667
Camp de Tarragona 499,764 273,525 4,684 2,514
Terres de l'Ebre 244,442 132,770 2,401 1,586
Ponent 54,052 30,043 745 345
Comarques Centrals 360,129 185,274 3,095 1,496
Alt Pirineu i Aran 126,140 63,510 2,049 613
Penedès 349,133 180,132 2,780 1,575
Barcelona 4,195,466 2,156,540 27,560 17,194
Girona 531,858 280,534 4,866 2,568
Lleida 315,297 163,703 3,111 1,940
Tarragona 581,446 284,068 5,893 2,385
Source: Ministry for Foreign Action and European Union.
Parliament of Catalonia. 14 February 2021. Votes. By candidacies. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
Alt Camp 2,441 4,335 4,865 959 1,797 568 522 400 693
Alt Empordà 7,018 9,955 12,508 4,384 3,364 1,719 1,824 1,226 2,588
Alt Penedès 7,606 11,425 11,441 2,155 4,387 2,492 1,371 908 2,426
Alt Urgell 1,250 2,179 2,290 277 688 307 206 214 414
Alta Ribagorça 342 382 351 54 155 100 30 47 158
Anoia 9,583 10,474 9,866 3,264 3,399 2,352 2,175 1,226 3,246
Aran 1,044 504 368 490 126 166 252 206 174
Bages 11,590 17,385 19,450 3,910 5,931 3,167 2,283 1,434 3,518
Baix Camp 12,421 14,726 13,921 6,348 4,730 2,889 3,721 2,703 2,965
Baix Ebre 3,883 8,262 5,423 1,411 1,704 1,276 663 619 1,813
Baix Empordà 8,154 10,926 14,803 2,830 3,725 1,999 1,645 915 1,998
Baix Llobregat 99,582 61,905 33,552 29,122 13,255 26,814 23,730 12,985 9,019
Baix Penedès 8,629 7,297 5,108 3,815 1,691 1,994 2,170 1,304 1,300
Barcelonès 216,376 151,306 127,647 63,387 51,298 74,031 53,444 43,172 29,412
Berguedà 1,745 4,598 6,457 421 2,061 475 290 249 1,131
Cerdanya 930 1,559 2,294 389 664 244 288 209 619
Conca de Barberà 837 2,674 2,678 249 849 266 118 119 533
Garraf 13,862 12,037 9,640 4,607 3,599 4,031 3,600 1,752 1,799
Garrigues 778 2,751 2,847 233 718 185 149 161 429
Garrotxa 2,354 5,406 9,311 712 2,437 739 331 253 1,156
Gironès 10,682 13,891 24,217 4,057 8,002 2,720 2,098 1,416 3,433
Maresme 34,950 40,380 40,930 13,851 11,569 10,739 9,193 5,896 7,369
Moianès 607 1,909 2,023 189 750 240 120 92 377
Montsià 3,480 7,311 4,188 1,383 1,573 988 609 696 1,314
Noguera 1,734 4,813 4,546 584 1,112 325 321 452 1,057
Osona 6,384 15,134 27,819 2,156 6,925 1,865 1,099 760 3,416
Pallars Jussà 918 1,333 1,925 159 523 194 110 97 277
Pallars Sobirà 334 1,000 1,074 47 503 123 51 51 264
Pla d'Urgell 1,482 3,971 4,480 513 844 281 278 333 1,129
Pla de l'Estany 1,050 3,580 5,886 289 1,734 434 202 169 729
Priorat 488 1,648 1,418 106 725 141 68 79 229
Ribera d'Ebre 1,206 3,116 2,477 306 830 299 207 236 426
Ripollès 1,289 2,555 4,122 396 998 350 194 141 694
Segarra 889 2,161 2,568 326 705 238 170 172 495
Segrià 13,063 17,560 16,781 5,474 4,422 2,713 3,183 3,485 4,272
Selva 10,473 12,326 16,933 3,965 4,038 2,992 2,414 1,188 2,390
Solsonès 540 1,398 2,080 156 655 125 92 114 407
Tarragonès 21,386 16,941 12,425 11,261 4,517 5,014 6,312 5,548 3,050
Terra Alta 788 1,594 1,203 234 421 194 99 236 380
Urgell 1,439 3,945 4,872 499 1,137 342 270 300 796
Vallès Occidental 90,693 71,114 58,520 31,003 20,116 27,635 23,120 12,722 13,149
Vallès Oriental 38,527 35,893 32,501 11,669 10,520 10,743 8,880 4,790 5,484
Non county 1,939 1,922 2,731 481 727 836 704 378 465
Catalonia 654,766 605,581 570,539 218,121 189,924 195,345 158,606 109,453 116,993
Metropolità 480,128 360,598 293,150 149,032 106,758 149,962 118,367 79,565 64,433
Comarques Gironines 21,165 40,937 58,698 6,901 16,472 5,954 3,943 2,692 9,019
Camp de Tarragona 41,020 58,639 87,780 16,633 24,298 10,953 8,708 5,308 12,988
Terres de l'Ebre 19,385 35,201 36,094 7,629 8,938 4,084 4,371 4,903 8,178
Ponent 4,818 6,957 8,302 1,416 2,659 1,134 937 824 1,906
Comarques Centrals 37,573 40,324 35,307 18,923 12,618 8,878 10,741 8,849 7,470
Alt Pirineu i Aran 9,357 20,283 13,291 3,334 4,528 2,757 1,578 1,787 3,933
Penedès 39,381 40,720 35,186 13,772 12,926 10,787 9,257 5,147 8,601
Barcelona 533,051 434,685 381,541 166,166 134,265 165,304 129,889 86,266 80,619
Girona 41,845 60,131 90,052 16,953 24,892 11,165 8,976 5,500 13,586
Lleida 24,115 42,670 45,029 8,876 11,871 5,189 5,175 5,695 10,032
Tarragona 55,755 68,095 53,917 26,126 18,896 13,687 14,566 11,992 12,756
Source: Ministry for Foreign Action and European Union.

Last update: April 20, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Electoral roll
List of all adult people with the right to vote and that are able to fully utilise their civil and political rights. At present, the electoral roll is a state level archive of all people that have the right to vote and its confection and distribution is the responsibility of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Prior to every consultation, there is period during which it is on display to the general public in order to rectify any possible errors or make any necessary modifications.
Person that satisfies the legal requirements to be able to exercise their right to vote.
Person who really and effectively exercises their right to vote.

Methodological aspects

The chapter on elections provides detailed information about the last time each type of election was held: European Parliament, general elections for the Congress of Deputies, Parliament of Catalonia, municipal elections and referendums. Also, with respect to previous editions, the results are presented for Catalonia as a whole in order to be able to offer comparable series.

In the tables, only votes for parties that obtained representation are listed, while other parties, coalitions or groups of electors have been grouped as a single category of "others". The list of the different acronyms and meanings of the parties and coalitions that are included among said "others" in all of the tables have not been included in this Annual.

List of the acronyms and names of the candidates that do appear in the tables
CiU Convergència i Unió
ERC Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
IC-V Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds
PP Partit Popular
PSC Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
C's Ciutadans-Partit de la Ciutadania
SI Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència
CUP Candidatura d'Unitat Popular-Alternativa d'Esquerres
JxSí Junts pel Sí CatSíqueesPot Catalunya sí que es pot

It should be noted that the acronyms used in the table headings do not always correspond exactly to the names different parties or coalitions used in officially standing for elections.

For example, for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia 2003, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds stood as a coalition with Esquerra Alternativa to form a candidature called ICV-EA, while the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya did so along with Ciutadans pel Canvi, calling their candidature PSC-CIPC. Meanwhile, in the elections to the Congress of Deputies in 2004 ICV stood in coalition with Esquerra Unida i Alternativa to constitute a candidature called ICV-EUiA.

For full details of all of the coalitions and groups, we refer readers to specific publications of an electoral nature.

In the county tables, the different candidatures are ordered from the highest to the lowest number of votes obtained for each of the parties in Catalonia as a whole and for each type of election.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".