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Municipal elections. Electors and vots. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Municipal elections. 26 May 2019. Electors and vots. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2019
Electors Voters Votes for candidates Blank votes Void votes
Alt Camp 32,227 22,158 21,285 586 287
Alt Empordà 90,250 57,781 55,330 1,733 718
Alt Penedès 78,263 54,480 53,282 752 446
Alt Urgell 15,259 10,514 10,252 149 113
Alta Ribagorça 2,910 2,143 2,006 84 53
Anoia 89,643 59,578 58,405 709 464
Aran 7,319 5,263 5,135 79 49
Bages 130,396 86,248 83,995 1,505 748
Baix Camp 131,726 83,928 82,325 958 645
Baix Ebre 55,188 38,467 37,307 618 542
Baix Empordà 92,344 58,862 57,141 1,109 612
Baix Llobregat 604,476 379,299 375,084 2,624 1,591
Baix Penedès 74,034 44,055 43,269 434 352
Barcelonès 1,579,169 1,015,910 1,009,501 3,935 2,474
Berguedà 31,061 22,234 21,277 647 310
Cerdanya 13,200 8,866 8,443 292 131
Conca de Barberà 15,050 11,006 10,266 417 323
Garraf 108,166 67,341 66,692 414 235
Garrigues 14,253 10,786 10,313 305 168
Garrotxa 40,863 28,704 27,428 839 437
Gironès 125,191 84,031 82,470 988 573
Maresme 328,322 213,496 210,665 1,916 915
Moianès 10,272 7,243 6,744 316 183
Montsià 48,245 33,359 32,383 499 477
Noguera 27,376 20,208 19,286 626 296
Osona 111,734 78,830 75,396 2,532 902
Pallars Jussà 9,889 7,119 6,754 250 115
Pallars Sobirà 5,407 4,407 4,205 122 80
Pla d'Urgell 24,970 18,064 17,242 513 309
Pla de l'Estany 22,414 16,649 15,989 459 201
Priorat 7,174 5,774 5,277 317 180
Ribera d'Ebre 16,220 12,449 11,664 402 383
Ripollès 19,574 14,272 13,549 460 263
Segarra 14,248 10,157 9,692 257 208
Segrià 142,022 91,512 89,643 1,161 708
Selva 115,863 73,285 71,140 1,326 819
Solsonès 10,046 7,325 7,039 197 89
Tarragonès 173,983 109,005 107,590 828 587
Terra Alta 8,956 7,250 6,839 245 166
Urgell 25,024 17,519 16,779 484 256
Vallès Occidental 667,985 420,890 417,113 2,450 1,327
Vallès Oriental 301,841 193,946 190,749 2,063 1,134
Catalonia 5,422,553 3,514,413 3,456,944 36,600 20,869
Metropolità 3,484,805 2,225,609 2,204,947 13,124 7,538
Comarques Gironines 294,312 202,721 195,375 5,160 2,186
Camp de Tarragona 506,499 333,584 323,047 6,914 3,623
Terres de l'Ebre 247,893 168,246 162,955 3,346 1,945
Ponent 53,984 38,312 36,795 976 541
Comarques Centrals 360,160 231,871 226,743 3,106 2,022
Alt Pirineu i Aran 128,609 91,525 88,193 1,764 1,568
Penedès 346,291 222,545 218,889 2,210 1,446
Barcelona 4,041,180 2,599,107 2,568,537 19,845 10,725
Girona 516,990 340,739 329,910 7,122 3,707
Lleida 301,580 207,116 200,292 4,329 2,495
Tarragona 562,803 367,451 358,205 5,304 3,942
Source: Ministry for Foreign Action and European Union.
Note: Since the electoral process of 2015, the votes of municipal elections by parties have ceased to be updated.

Last update: February 7, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Electoral roll
List of all adult people with the right to vote and that are able to fully utilise their civil and political rights. At present, the electoral roll is a state level archive of all people that have the right to vote and its confection and distribution is the responsibility of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Prior to every consultation, there is period during which it is on display to the general public in order to rectify any possible errors or make any necessary modifications.
Person that satisfies the legal requirements to be able to exercise their right to vote.
Person who really and effectively exercises their right to vote.

Methodological aspects

The chapter on elections provides detailed information about the last time each type of election was held: European Parliament, general elections for the Congress of Deputies, Parliament of Catalonia, municipal elections and referendums. Also, with respect to previous editions, the results are presented for Catalonia as a whole in order to be able to offer comparable series.

In the tables only votes for parties that obtained representation are listed, while other parties, coalitions or groups of electors have been grouped as a single category of "others". The list of the different acronyms and meanings of the parties and coalitions that are included among said "others" in all of the tables have not been included in this Annual.

Since the electoral process of 2015, the votes of municipal elections by parties have ceased to be updated. This information can be obtained from the Ministry of Governance, Public Administrations and Housing.

List of the acronyms and names of the candidates that do appear in the tables
CiU Convergència i Unió
ERC Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
IC-V Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds
PP Partit Popular
PSC Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
CDS Centre Democràtic i Social

It should be noted that the acronyms used in the table headings do not always correspond exactly to the names different parties or coalitions used in officially standing for elections.

For full details of all of the coalitions and groups, we refer readers to specific publications of an electoral nature.

In the county tables, the different candidatures are ordered from the highest to the lowest number of votes obtained for each of the parties in Catalonia as a whole and for each type of election.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".