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Women aged 16 years and over. By number of live births. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Women aged 16 years and over. By number of live births. Counties, areas and provinces 2011
Number of live births
0 1 2 3 4 and over Total women Total Child Average number of children per woman
Alt Camp 5,382 3,642 5,705 1,997 1,508 18,234 28,172 1.55
Alt Empordà 17,892 12,169 17,930 4,892 3,938 56,820 81,585 1.44
Alt Penedès 12,849 8,171 14,227 4,426 2,650 42,324 62,599 1.48
Alt Urgell 2,814 2,007 2,621 1,031 546 9,018 12,939 1.43
Alta Ribagorça 620 289 485 155 147 1,697 2,453 1.45
Anoia 14,159 8,018 16,465 5,557 3,335 47,534 73,797 1.55
Bages 22,411 16,586 25,828 8,195 4,363 77,382 113,599 1.47
Baix Camp 24,565 13,994 24,474 8,868 5,773 77,675 117,466 1.51
Baix Ebre 9,739 6,593 11,011 4,282 1,913 33,538 50,043 1.49
Baix Empordà 17,116 11,028 17,107 6,009 3,741 55,001 81,667 1.48
Baix Llobregat 101,788 63,415 110,266 33,952 19,945 329,366 481,705 1.46
Baix Penedès 11,618 7,782 13,491 4,356 2,701 39,948 60,721 1.52
Barcelonès 378,484 182,654 287,944 101,593 56,997 1,007,673 1,334,373 1.32
Berguedà 5,180 3,826 5,677 1,710 985 17,379 25,060 1.44
Cerdanya 2,567 1,647 2,473 574 372 7,634 9,950 1.30
Conca de Barberà 2,641 1,537 2,789 1,071 571 8,610 12,897 1.50
Garraf 19,920 11,939 18,924 6,161 3,416 60,360 84,042 1.39
Garrigues 2,140 1,787 2,801 1,028 537 8,292 13,008 1.57
Garrotxa 6,895 5,726 6,935 2,399 1,169 23,123 32,795 1.42
Gironès 25,130 12,771 22,465 8,512 5,573 74,452 110,939 1.49
Maresme 57,250 33,274 58,065 19,091 11,050 178,731 260,650 1.46
Montsià 8,378 6,440 9,760 3,038 1,533 29,150 42,740 1.47
Noguera 4,972 3,063 5,317 1,779 1,081 16,212 24,034 1.48
Osona 20,261 11,435 20,042 7,015 4,393 63,147 94,084 1.49
Pallars Jussà 1,862 1,220 1,642 746 224 5,695 7,848 1.38
Pallars Sobirà 1,083 571 855 289 172 2,969 3,904 1.31
Pla d'Urgell 3,971 3,299 5,020 1,681 897 14,867 22,586 1.52
Pla de l'Estany 3,670 2,713 4,392 934 699 12,407 17,673 1.42
Priorat 1,181 726 1,397 479 288 4,072 6,290 1.54
Ribera d'Ebre 2,885 1,816 3,358 961 740 9,760 14,764 1.51
Ripollès 3,271 2,699 3,607 1,087 585 11,250 15,902 1.41
Segarra 2,475 1,886 3,199 924 628 9,112 13,932 1.53
Segrià 26,783 16,799 26,920 8,734 5,733 84,969 124,436 1.46
Selva 21,364 13,256 22,374 7,561 4,230 68,784 100,682 1.46
Solsonès 1,621 1,021 1,712 725 475 5,553 9,016 1.62
Tarragonès 34,619 17,457 32,316 11,198 6,984 102,574 151,056 1.47
Terra Alta 1,436 969 2,087 544 157 5,193 7,478 1.44
Urgell 4,336 2,874 4,926 1,821 978 14,935 23,047 1.54
Val d'Aran 1,713 729 1,165 280 191 4,077 5,067 1.24
Vallès Occidental 116,081 68,694 120,377 39,130 22,818 367,099 536,390 1.46
Vallès Oriental 48,396 31,886 54,126 17,508 9,951 161,866 240,468 1.49
Catalonia 1,051,519 598,406 992,276 332,296 193,987 3,168,484 4,511,856 1.42
Metropolità 701,999 379,923 630,778 211,274 120,761 2,044,735 2,853,586 1.40
Comarques Gironines 95,338 60,361 94,810 31,394 19,935 301,839 441,243 1.46
Camp de Tarragona 68,388 37,356 66,681 23,614 15,124 211,164 315,881 1.50
Terres de l'Ebre 22,438 15,818 26,217 8,826 4,343 77,641 115,025 1.48
Àmbit de Ponent 44,677 29,707 48,182 15,967 9,854 148,388 221,043 1.49
Comarques Centrals 49,473 32,867 53,258 17,646 10,216 163,460 241,759 1.48
Alt Pirineu i Aran 10,659 6,463 9,241 3,075 1,653 31,091 42,161 1.36
Penedès 58,546 35,910 63,107 20,500 12,102 190,166 281,158 1.48
Barcelona 796,789 439,810 731,889 244,358 139,909 2,352,755 3,306,658 1.41
Girona 97,369 61,797 96,676 31,818 20,256 307,916 449,080 1.46
Lleida 54,917 35,843 57,322 19,325 11,653 179,060 264,491 1.48
Tarragona 102,445 60,957 106,389 36,795 22,168 328,753 491,627 1.50
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Note: The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

Last update: March 26, 2014.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

Historically, population censuses have included questions on the fertility of the female population. Since 1920, respondents have been asked about the number of live births and, as of 1930, the year of marriage. It should be remembered, moreover, that these kinds of questions are in line with the United Nations recommendations concerning the collection of census information for the study of female fertility.

The question about the number of offspring born varies in the collection of information of recent censuses. The 1981 census only included the question for women who were or had been married and left extra-marital births aside.

In the 1991 census, the question was addressed to women who had had live births, which hinders comparison of data with the previous census. The question on live births was addressed to all women who at some time of their life had had at least one live birth. Because of the wording of the question, the "non-answer" and childless mothers could not be distinguished. In fact, it should be assumed that all "non-answers" correspond to childless women in the census questionnaire.

This question was not included in the 2001 Population Census. In 2011, the question addressed the entire female population aged 16 and over and gathers information on the number of live offspring born, which enables studying retrospective fertility or cumulative fertility.

The ratio between the total number of children had by women of a certain age at the time of the census and the total number of women of the same age gives the mean number of offspring per woman for the age considered and is known as mean parity. Mean parity measures the cumulative fertility throughout life at the time of the census for the survivors of a female cohort defined according to the period of birth, but it does not provide information on the time of occurrence of births.

The mean number of offspring according to mother's age can be calculated for different groups of women of certain characteristics, such as civil status, level of education, the relationship with activity, etc. When assessing the results, it should be borne in mind that the characteristics of the mothers refer to the time of the census and not to the time of birth of the offspring.

The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes survey data. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimals. Hence, some totals may not coincide with the sum of their disaggregation.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".