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Contributory Social Security pensions. Pensions. By type of pension and sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Contributory Social Security pensions. December. Pensions. By type of pension and sex. Total. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Vallès Oriental
Permanent incapacity Retirement Vidowhood Orphanhood Family favour Total
2023 9,709 59,349 18,624 2,698 45 90,425
2022 9,493 58,378 18,515 2,722 47 89,155
2021 9,471 56,624 18,127 2,659 43 86,924
2020 9,518 55,249 17,988 2,571 42 85,368
2019 9,594 54,779 17,965 2,551 42 84,931
2018 9,830 53,060 17,728 2,446 41 83,105
2017 9,749 51,504 17,567 2,450 40 81,310
2016 9,758 50,058 17,422 2,431 36 79,705
Units: Pensiones.
Source: Idescat, based on data of Institut Nacional de la Seguretat Social.
As of May 2023, the data are presented according to the current territorial distribution (in accordance with Law 7/2023, on the creation of El Lluçanès county, which also territorially modifies El Bages and Osona).
Data for 2015 is not available.
Contributory Social Security pensions. December. Pensions. By type of pension and sex. Men. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Vallès Oriental
Permanent incapacity Retirement Vidowhood Orphanhood Family favour Total
2023 5,428 32,948 1,920 1,409 17 41,722
2022 5,426 32,747 1,847 1,421 19 41,460
2021 5,397 32,065 1,733 1,369 18 40,582
2020 5,414 31,536 1,698 1,316 17 39,981
2019 5,419 31,522 1,628 1,296 17 39,882
2018 5,575 30,806 1,546 1,239 15 39,181
2017 5,553 30,247 1,544 1,231 13 38,588
2016 5,583 29,618 1,493 1,233 9 37,936
Units: Pensiones.
Source: Idescat, based on data of Institut Nacional de la Seguretat Social.
As of May 2023, the data are presented according to the current territorial distribution (in accordance with Law 7/2023, on the creation of El Lluçanès county, which also territorially modifies El Bages and Osona).
Data for 2015 is not available.
Contributory Social Security pensions. December. Pensions. By type of pension and sex. Women. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Vallès Oriental
Permanent incapacity Retirement Vidowhood Orphanhood Family favour Total
2023 4,281 26,401 16,704 1,289 28 48,703
2022 4,067 25,631 16,668 1,301 28 47,695
2021 4,074 24,559 16,394 1,290 25 46,342
2020 4,104 23,713 16,290 1,255 25 45,387
2019 4,175 23,257 16,337 1,255 25 45,049
2018 4,255 22,254 16,182 1,207 26 43,924
2017 4,196 21,257 16,023 1,219 27 42,722
2016 4,175 20,440 15,929 1,198 27 41,769
Units: Pensiones.
Source: Idescat, based on data of Institut Nacional de la Seguretat Social.
As of May 2023, the data are presented according to the current territorial distribution (in accordance with Law 7/2023, on the creation of El Lluçanès county, which also territorially modifies El Bages and Osona).
Data for 2015 is not available.

Last update: June 26, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Contributory Social Security pension
Pension, normally of indefinite duration, paid by Social Security through the National Social Security Institute (INSS) and the Social Marine Institute (ISM), dependent on previous legal relationship with Social Security and having met certain contributory requirements.
Pensions are classified according to the contingency class they cover.
Retirement pension
Economic benefit that consists of a lifelong, single and indefeasible benefit granted to a worker when he/she retires due to age.
Permanent disability pension
Benefit recognised for a worker who, after having received the prescribed treatment and having been given medical clearance, is seriously impaired anatomically or functionally in a foreseeably definitive manner, which reduces or annuls his/her capacity to work.
Widow's or widowers pension
Lifelong economic benefit awarded to those who have been married or were the recognised partner of the deceased satisfies the requirements.
Orphan's pension
Economic benefit granted to the children of the deceased and those of the deceased's spouse, and which satisfy the requirements.
Surviving relatives' pension
Economic benefit granted to relatives that have lived with and depended financially on the deceased and that satisfy the requirements.

Methodological aspects

The benefits are a set of measures taken by Social Security to anticipate, rectify or overcome specific unfortunate situations or specific situations of need, which usually lead to a loss of income or excessive costs for those who suffer from them.

The pensions are economic benefits given by the Social Security, paid periodically and normally lasting for life or until the beneficiary reaches a predetermined age. They can be contributive (when the right is acknowledged by virtue of contributions made) or non-contributive (when the person has no income or insufficient income and the remaining conditions established by the law are met).

The Statistics on Contributory Social Security Pensions are offered from two complementary perspectives: pensions by pensioner's municipality of residence and pensions by the province where the pension is registered.

The Statistics on Pensions and Pensioners by pensioner residence is the result of statistical processing by Idescat using the National Social Security Instituteand the Social Marine InstituteSocial Marine Institute's administrative pensions records, in accordance with a collaboration agreement with these two institutions in 2011. The aim is to obtain information as to the number and size of currently active pensions of the population residing in Catalan municipalities. This information is handled by the Provincial Directorates in Catalonia. Data is from 31 December.

Data for 2015 is not available.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.