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Distribution by countries of the subcontinent. 2023 Reus Geographical origin: Central and eastern Europe
Men Women National population % of subcontinent's total population in the municipality % of country's total population in Catalonia
Ukraine 153 235 388 43.50 0.96
Rusia 90 147 237 26.57 0.81
Moldova 39 37 76 8.52 1.75
Albania 37 36 73 8.18 2.44
Georgia 23 28 51 5.72 0.49
Belarus 7 16 23 2.58 1.03
Armenia 9 7 16 1.79 0.38
Turkey 8 7 15 1.68 0.64
Serbia .. .. 8 0.90 0.54
Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 5 0.56 1.49
Total subcontinent 372 520 892 100.00 ..
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population Census.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

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