Mapes i dades del grau d'urbanització (DEGURBA)

The publication Maps and Data on the Degree of Urbanisation (DEGURBA) 2022 presents the results obtained from the calculation of the classification of the degree of urbanisation of the territorial units of Catalonia (municipalities, census tract groups and census tracts) in csv and shapefile format. It also presents the results for the years 2018-2021 which have been revised in accordance with Eurostat’s methodology to ensure they are comparable.
The territory of Catalonia is presented divided into a 1 km2 grid compatible with the standard European grid with the classification of each cell according to the degree of urbanisation and the population that resides in each of them. (To preserve statistical confidentiality, cells with between 1 and 16 people have been assigned the value null).
For each year, shapefile files are provided in a data compression format with the classification of the cells, the municipalities, the census tract groups and the census tracts and also the csv files with the classification results for each territorial unit accompanied by a document explaining the maps.