Catalan Satellite Accounts
The European System of Accounts defines the general features of national accounting, thus allowing for a systematic description of the different phases in the economic process. Despite the importance of these statistics, there are specific needs for information that cannot be met by means of this accounting system, for which independent satellite accounts are recommended. The analysis of the role of tourism, housing and culture in the economy, of the costs and financing of healthcare services, of the interaction between the environment and the economy, or of the size and valuation of domestic production, requires satellite accounting in order to yield exhaustive, coherent information that is integrated into the national accounts.
In order to enhance their explanatory capacity, the satellite accounts present statistics that specifically detail the activities or products of interest; they include non-monetary information; and they instrumentally modify certain basic concepts. Despite this, the classifications and definitions of the variables of the system are maintained, except in areas of substantial interest for the purpose of the corresponding satellite account.
Parallel to the development of the Input-Output Tables, Idescat promoted the development of feasibility studies in satellite accounting for ten areas/sectors (tourism, culture, research and development, sports, housing, education, healthcare, transports, environment and social services), including the possibility of expanding the central framework of the Input-Output Framework for Catalonia with the institutional sectors, the matrix of social accounting and a matrix on employment structures.
Through its different departments, the Generalitat has participated in the development of a variety of satellite accounts.
Satellite account of water in Catalonia 2005
The Satellite accounts of water in Catalonia 2005 provide better knowledge of the existing relationships between the economy and water by offering data on the uses of this resource and the pollutants disposed in it by branches of production. Idescat issues a statistical publication showing the main tables and methodology, in accordance with the work done by the Department of Territory and Sustainability, the University of Barcelona and Idescat.
Satellite account of atmospheric emissions in Catalonia 2001
The Satellite account of atmospheric emissions provides better knowledge of the existing relations between the economy and the environment in Catalonia, offering data on the assignations of emissions of atmospheric pollutants to productive branches. Idescat presents this statistical publication showing the main tables and methodology in accordance with the work conducted by the Department of the Environment and Housing, the University of Barcelona and Idescat.
Satellite account of housing in Catalonia 2005
The Satellite account of housing provides greater knowledge of the economic weight of housing with respect to the economy as a whole and also informs about current and capital expenditure by type of housing and finance and tax deductions associated to their acquisition. Idescat presents a statistical publication showing the main tables and methodology in accordance with the work done by Dr. Ezequiel Baró of the University of Barcelona, in collaboration with Cinthya Villafaña and with Idescat's specialist support.
Satellite account on culture in Catalonia 2005
The satellite account on culture provides better knowledge of the economic weight of cultural activities with respect to other economic activities and also reveals flows of financing and the dimensions of the consumption of cultural good and services. Idescat reveals this data in the form of a statistical publication, with the main tables and methodology, in accordance with the work undertaken by Dr. Ezequiel Baró of the University of Barcelona, in collaboration with Cinthya Villafaña and with technical support from Idescat.
Satellite accounts on domestic production 2001
The satellite accounts on domestic production enable the unpaid work and production taking place in Catalan households to be sized and valued in relation to the market economy. Idescat is disseminating a statistical publication with the main tables and methodology based on the study conducted by the research team of Cristina Carrasco and Mònica Serrano and published by the Catalan Institute of Women.
2001 Education Accounts in Catalonia
The education accounts in Catalonia offer a description of the productive area related to education according to the information provided by the 2001 Input-Output Tables. They are a first step towards drawing up the satellite accounts on education.
Feasibility studies (PDF)
- Mir, P.; González Calvet, J. Comptabilitat satèl·lit de l'educació a Catalunya. Desembre 2002
- Casado, D.; Castellanos, A. La comptabilitat satèl·lit dels serveis socials. Gener 2003
- Llop, M.; Manresa, A. Matriu de comptabilitat social de Catalunya. Febrer 2003
- Baró, E. Comptabilitat satèl·lit del turisme a Catalunya. Març 2003
- Murillo, C. Comptabilitat satèl·lit de la sanitat. Març 2003
- Baró, E. Comptabilitat satèl·lit de la cultura. Maig 2003
- Trilla, C.; Llera, S. Compte satèl·lit de l'habitatge de Catalunya. Juny 2003
- González Calvet, J.; Mir, P. Comptabilitat satèl·lit del transport. Juliol 2003
- García, J.; Segura, M. Comptabilitat satèl·lit de l'esport a Catalunya. Juliol 2003
- Alcántara, V. Comptabilitat satèl·lit del medi ambient. Juliol 2003
- Baró, E. La comptabilitat satèl·lit de la recerca i el desenvolupament (R+D) a Catalunya. Juliol 2003
- García J.; Bosch J.; Díaz L.; Solanas S. Estadística sobre el mercat de treball. Juliol 2003
- Parellada, M.; Álvarez, M. Un panorama de les aplicacions realitzades a partir d'informació procedent de les taules input-output. Setembre 2003
- García, G.; Parellada, M. Els comptes dels sectors institucionals de l'economia catalana. Octubre 2003
- Carrasco, C.; Serrano, M. La comptabilitat satèl·lit de la producció domèstica de les llars per a Catalunya. Abril 2005