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Registered foreign workers affiliated to Social Security. By sex and type of scheme. Provinces

Registered foreign workers affiliated to Social Security. By sex and type of scheme. Provinces 2003
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
By sex
Men 92,943 17,522 10,955 13,649 135,069 589,645 22.9
Women 52,087 6,163 3,179 4,630 66,059 335,610 19.7
By type of scheme
General and coal mining 116,650 18,661 10,515 13,410 159,236 623,483 25.5
Special agriculture 3,632 1,475 2,807 2,721 10,635 121,619 8.7
Special sea 50 70 0 43 163 2,450 6.7
Special domestic 11,292 447 199 409 12,347 73,419 16.8
Special self-employed 13,409 3,032 613 1,696 18,750 104,309 18.0
Total (2) 145,033 23,685 14,134 18,279 201,131 925,280 21.7
Source: Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. Subsecretaría de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales.
A 31 de desembre.
Must consider that one single person can be accounted for as many times as social security payments require, either due to working in different labour activities as part of to single scheme or different ones.
Totals include those not classified by sex.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Worker affiliated to the Social Security system
Person that exercises a labour activity in exchange for payment that is affiliated to the general Social Security scheme and the special scheme for mining and coal workers that are working or in similar situations to being working such as temporary incapacity, suspended by reasons of redundancy, partially unemployed, etc. Not included are workers that are fully unemployed, workers with special agreements, workers for companies covered by restructuring plans and workers receiving aid in the form of early retirement payments or in other situations that do not have an effect on contributions. The same person is accounted for as many times as they have situations in which they contribute, whether they have several labour activities in a single regime or in various.
Foreign worker affiliated to Social Security
Foreign citizen that resides in or is legally located in Spain and has obtained administrative authorisation to work, in the cases where this is a legal or regulatory requirement. This situation equates them to a Spanish worker affiliated to Social Security.

Methodological aspects

Applications and registrations of foreign workers, both self-employed or as employees, must be accompanied by documentation accrediting nationality, and other than the case of workers to whom EU regulations are applicable, the corresponding work permit or a document accrediting that they are exempted from the obligation to have one, as well as the details and documents required of Spanish workers.

Foreigners that require administrative authorisation prior to any activity in Spain and that do not possess this authorisation are not included in the Social Security System, notwithstanding that they may be considered included for the purposes of obtaining certain benefits in accordance with the stipulations of the law.

The number of affiliates does not necessarily correspond to that of workers: the same person is accounted for as many times as they have obligations to make contributions.

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