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Gross internal expenditure on R&D in relation to GDP

Gross internal expenditure on R&D in relation to GDP Total
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
2022 1.79 (p) Provisional value 1.44 (p) Provisional value 2.24 (p) Provisional value
2021 1.67 (p) Provisional value 1.41 2.27 (e) Estimated value
2020 1.62 1.41 2.30 (e) Estimated value
2019 1.43 1.25 2.22 (e) Estimated value
2018 1.45 1.24 2.18 (e) Estimated value
2017 1.41 1.21 2.15 (e) Estimated value
2016 1.39 1.19 2.12 (e) Estimated value
2015 1.45 1.22 2.12 (e) Estimated value
2014 1.43 1.24 2.11 (e) Estimated value
2013 1.47 1.27 2.10 (e) Estimated value
2012 1.48 1.30 2.08 (e) Estimated value
2011 1.49 1.33 2.02 (e) Estimated value
2010 1.55 1.36 1.97 (e) Estimated value
2009 1.59 1.36 1.97 (e) Estimated value
2008 1.52 1.32 1.87 (e) Estimated value
2007 1.37 1.24 1.80 (e) Estimated value
2006 1.31 1.18 1.80 (e) Estimated value
2005 1.25 1.10 1.78 (e) Estimated value
2004 1.24 1.04 1.80 (e) Estimated value
2003 1.20 1.02 1.83 (e) Estimated value
2002 1.12 0.96 1.83 (e) Estimated value
Units: %.
Source Catalonia: Idescat, based on the INE's statistics on R&D activities. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
(p) Provisional value.
(e) Estimated value.
Indicador ODS Indicator 09.10 from the EU Sustainable Development Goals

Last update: May 9, 2024.


These statistics have a specific section with all the information available: Statistics on R&D Activities (RD).

Methodological note

The indicator measures gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP). "Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications" (Frascati Manual, 2002 edition, § 63).