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Transformadors amb una potència > a 16 kVA i <= a 500 kVA, excepte els de dielèctric líquid

Transformadors amb una potència > a 16 kVA i <= a 500 kVA, excepte els de dielèctric líquid (2711433002). Catalonia
Year descending Quantity Unit Thousands € Position
2020 18,170 units 8,159 751
2019 19,470 units 8,285 777
2018 16,867 units 7,012 815
2017 13,251 units 6,788 827
2016 15,419 units 8,155 769
2015 15,815 units 7,567 780
2014 16,949 units 6,932 772
2013 16,539 units 6,928 775
2012 11,880 units 6,824 737
2011 13,083 units 7,426 759
2010 20,704 units 7,450 765
2009 4,338 units 4,062 958
2008 23,224 units 5,544 983
Source: Statistical Institute of Catalonia, based on data from INE industrial products survey.
You can check the list every year PRODCOM-EIP at statistical classifications of products.
Note: Results of last year published (2022) are provisional.

Results of all researched products (in Excel)