1. General points
Territorial and entity codes provides the complete lists of codes and territorial nomenclatures used in the area of official Catalan statistics.
Territorial codes and nomenclatures serve to unequivocally identify specific territorial units within a higher territorial unit, in order to work with statistical figures assigned to well-identified territorial units (e.g., foreign trade data among countries, flows of immigrants by autonomous community or population by county).
Territorial and entity codes consists of the following sections:
Territorial level. This is the access to all territorial and entity codes, which are structured in four territorial levels:
- Catalonia (see section 2)
- Spain (see section 3)
- European Union (see section 3)
- World (see section 3)
Frequently used territorial nomenclatures. This is classified in the following sub-sections:
- Official territorial nomenclatures in Catalonia. This is the shortcut to the different official territorial nomenclatures in Catalonia (see section 3).
- Other territorial nomenclatures. This groups the shortcuts to other very frequently used territorial nomenclatures in the area of official statistics in Catalonia.
- Municipal section of the Continuous Population Register
- Statistical nomenclature of population entities in Catalonia
- Territorial areas of the general Territorial Plan of Catalonia
- Provinces and autonomous communities of Spain
- Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units (NUTS), which contains the list of European regions
- Eurostat country codesli>
There are also the following sections:
Introductory aspects. In the section "What are they and what are they for, regulations and publications", you will find an informative text with theoretical aspects of the codes and the territorial nomenclatures.
Downloadable maps. This allows you to download the geometry of the census tracts of the Ongoing Population Census in shape format, from 2002 to the latest available version, the reference date being every 1 January.
Population nomenclature. This allows you to consult the population figures of the inframunicipal population entities of the Statistical nomenclature of population entities in Catalonia.
Related information. Here, you will find links to the pages of territorial codes and nomenclatures of the main statistical and standardization bodies in state and international areas: INE, Eurostat, UNSD and ISO. In addition, it allows you to consult population figures of different territorial units (Catalonia, provinces, territorial planning areas, counties and Aran, municipalities and inframunicipal entities) and several statistical classifications (of economic activity, employment, and products, among others).
2. Consultation by territorial level: Catalonia
This section is structured in three sub-levels:
Administrative territorial codes. This contains the lists of codes of the administrative territorial units of Catalonia.
- Official administrative territorial codes of Catalonia. These are the codes which establish the successive codification orders of the local entities. Currently, the order in force is Order VEH/169/2016, of 17 June, which establishes the codification system of the local public sector of Catalonia for statistical purposes. This order adapts the coding system to the provisions of the current Decree 95/2015, of 9 June, which regulates the Registry of the local public sector of Catalonia. This section groups together local territorial entities (municipalities, counties and Aran, and provinces), the respective local corporations (municipalities, county councils and Conselh Generau d'Aran, and provincial councils) and other local entities (decentralized municipal entities, metropolitan entities and municipal associations). These lists can also be accessed from the section Official Territorial Nomenclatures in Catalonia in the section Most Frequently Used Territorial Nomenclatures.
- Other administrative territorial divisions. This contains the metropolitan areas and the territorial planning areas, established by own laws.
Sector-based territorial codes of Catalonia. This contains the lists of the territorial units for the management of a specific service.
- Sector-based territorial divisions of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This contains the Agricultural, Labour Inspectorate, Mountain, Education, Geotourism, Police and Health territorial divisions.
- Other Sector-based territorial divisions of Catalonia. This contains the judicial and postal territorial divisions, which do not depend on the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Inframunicipal territorial statistical codes. This contains the nomenclatures for statistical and managerial purposes inferior to the municipalities.
- Statistical nomenclature of population entities in Catalonia
- Population Units in Catalonia
- Census Tracts
3. Consultation by territorial levels: Spain, European Union and World
Spain. This contains all the lists of codes of the territorial administrative units with which the State is disaggregated: autonomous communities, provinces, islands and municipalities of Spain.
European Union. This contains the Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units (NUTS), which is the nomenclature of the territorial administrative units of the countries of the European Union for statistical purposes. These are the European regions of Eurostat and the administrative territorial units with which they are disaggregated.
World. This contains the lists of country codes of the INE, Eurostat, UNSD and ISO, as well as a correlations table for the country codes of the different lists.
4. Consulting options
In general, all the tables have navigation options that facilitate the consultation and understanding of the information contained therein.
The following information is specified in the methodology of each table:
- Territorial nomenclature of the table
- Initial date of collection of the information
- Definition of the territorial unit that is collected
- Organisation of the nomenclature
- Coding system
- Official and/or normalisation of toponymy
- Responsible body
- Legal references that establish it
- Updates or variations that occur
The option Download allows you to obtain a text file with the information of the table in CSV format.
Continuous reference period. The majority of the tables are continuously updated. Territorial divisions evolve and change over time and, consequently, so do the lists of codes and nomenclatures that collect them. Any modification of a territorial nomenclature is registered; therefore, the consultation is linked to a reference date.
By default, the date that appears in the dialogue box is the day the consultation is made. If you want to consult an earlier date, it must be changed in the dialogue box.
Periodic reference period. Some nomenclatures are periodically updated, on a specific date, such as the Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units (NUTS). In these cases, you have to choose one of the reference dates from a closed list. By default, the table that is initially displayed is the one corresponding to the last current date.
In some tables, such as that of Municipalities, if we click on the code, we access a tab with different information associated with that territorial unit (general characteristics, lower territorial units, correspondence with other territorial units or list of variations, among others).
In some tables, such as that of Provinces, besides the usual columns (code and name), there are others containing different information (official name and higher territorial unit to which it belongs).
Some particularly long nomenclatures (such as the Census Tracts or the Statistical Nomenclature of Population Entities of Catalonia) allow filtering a part of the content, according to different options (by name, geographical area, code or population range, if applicable).