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Name of person: HUGO (man). By nationality

Name of person: HUGO (man). 2023 By nationality
Position ‰ out
Frequency total men total men
Spain 10,511 145 76 1.61 3.30
France 40 48 32 1.04 2.04
Brazil 18 170 69 0.79 1.91
Bolivia 15 205 101 0.67 1.41
Portugal 13 155 90 0.87 1.60
Colombia 8 1,088 522 0.10 0.23
Italy 7 1,048 525 0.09 0.16
Peru 6 401 194 0.15 0.33
China 6 1,658 737 0.10 0.20
Romania 6 1,519 773 0.07 0.14
Total 10,665 147 77 1.35 2.74
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population and Housing Census.
Note: Only shows nationalities with 4 or more people with the selected name.

Disaggregation criteria