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Name of person: SOFÍA/SOFIA (woman). By nationality

Name of person: SOFÍA/SOFIA (woman). 2023 By nationality
Position ‰ out
Frequency total women total women
Spain 8,031 179 90 1.23 2.39
Italy 300 25 8 3.71 8.05
Morocco 166 265 137 0.71 1.64
Rusia 149 49 29 5.08 8.12
Colombia 142 52 28 1.86 3.45
Ukraine 115 89 51 2.83 4.69
Argentina 98 9 5 3.02 5.79
Romania 86 110 62 0.99 1.94
Germany 40 26 12 1.97 3.95
China 35 174 104 0.57 1.11
Brazil 32 83 48 1.41 2.42
Portugal 32 44 16 2.14 4.65
Moldova 27 45 24 6.22 11.70
Georgia 27 89 48 2.60 4.96
France 26 116 51 0.68 1.39
Mexico 25 22 12 3.02 5.03
Pakistan 25 365 149 0.44 1.40
Greece 22 13 4 10.47 21.89
Bolivia 21 148 71 0.94 1.78
Poland 19 61 33 1.78 3.01
Uruguay 18 22 11 2.21 4.42
United Kingdom 18 55 15 0.77 1.75
Armenia 17 59 28 3.99 7.81
Peru 14 127 57 0.34 0.63
Bulgaria 14 86 44 1.30 2.59
United States of America 10 6 2 0.98 1.93
Honduras 10 297 176 0.17 0.25
Algeria 9 207 79 0.91 2.66
Belarus 8 66 45 3.58 5.46
Ecuador 8 125 43 0.34 0.72
Paraguay 7 296 194 0.39 0.62
Canada 6 2 2 3.71 7.11
Venezuela 6 492 180 0.15 0.27
Chile 6 162 73 0.53 1.03
Cuba 6 204 92 0.58 1.12
Dominican Republic 5 334 135 0.27 0.54
Sweden 5 6 2 1.61 3.08
Netherlands 5 113 50 0.51 1.11
Ireland 5 31 6 1.52 3.72
India 5 895 335 0.17 0.45
Philippines 5 293 174 0.43 0.72
Switzerland 4 46 17 1.34 2.68
Czech Republic 4 76 51 2.45 3.94
Nigeria 4 146 70 0.63 1.40
Costa Rica 4 9 7 4.35 7.46
Total 9,665 163 78 1.22 2.41
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population and Housing Census.
Note: Only shows nationalities with 4 or more people with the selected name.

Disaggregation criteria