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Population and Housing Census 2021. Households and families, and marital status

In Catalonia there were 2,989,357 households, with an average size of 2.57 people per household, according to the Population and Housing Census 2021.

The counties with the largest household size were El Pla de l'Estany (2.79) and La Segarra (2.76) and those with the smallest household size were El Pallars Sobirà (2.23) and El Pallars Jussà and L’Alta Ribagorça (both with 2.28 people per household). On the other hand, the municipalities with the largest household size were Sagàs (3.43) and Castellar de la Ribera (3.4) and those with the smallest household size were Vallfogona de Riucorb and Sant Jaume de Frontanyà (1.65).

There were 762,624 unipersonal households (25.5%), of which 335,929 were of men and 426,695 were of women. By age, there were 13,919 households of one person under 25 years old and at the other extreme 31,991 households of one person aged 90 years and over.

Regarding the age of the members, there were 587,443 households with all members aged 65 and over (19.7%), 448,910 households with a member aged 65 and over (15.0%) and 1,953,004 households with no member aged 65 and over (65.3%). The counties with the highest percentage of households with all members aged 65 and over were La Terra Alta (25.7%) and El Ripollès (25.6%) and those with the lowest percentage were Aran (12.6%) and El Gironès (16.4%).

Regarding the nationality of the members, there were 2,433,250 households where all the members are Spanish (81.4%), 265,368 households where all the members are foreigners (8.9%) and 290,739 where there were Spaniards and foreigners (9.7%). The counties with the highest percentage of households where all members were foreigners were La Segarra (18.2%) and L’Alt Empordà (17.1%) and those with the lowest percentage were El Vallès Oriental (4.1%) and El Moianès (4.5%). On the other hand, the municipalities with the highest percentage of households where all members were foreigners were Guissona (41.0%), Castelló d'Empúries (38.4%) and Pau (32.4%), while those with the lowest percentages were Santa Maria de Martorelles (0.0%), Vilablareix (0.3%) and Viladecavalls (0.4%).

For the first time, Idescat offers a set of 12 indicators available for Catalonia, provinces, areas of the Territorial Plan, counties and Aran, municipalities, census tract groups, districts and census tracts on household size, unipersonal households, households with elderly people and households with foreigners. The results of this section of indicators can be consulted through this map viewer, for all territorial areas, except for Catalonia.

Idescat extends the publication of the results of the Population and Housing Census 2021. The results relating to households and families are disseminated, including information on the number and size of households, the structure by families, the structure by nuclei, unipersonal households, households with elderly people, households with foreigners and the marital status of the population. The Population and Housing Census 2021 and the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing 2021 provide complementary information on households and families.