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Statistics on R&D Activities. 2022



(In catalan)

The internal research and development (R&D) expenditure in Catalonia amounted to 4,828.9 million euros in 2022, an increase of 18.4% compared to the previous year. This expenditure represents 1.79% of GDP. By sector of performance, 62.6% of the expenditure was incurred by the business sector (which is equivalent to 1.12% of GDP), followed by the higher education sector, which accounted for 19,8% of R&D expenditure (0.35% of GDP). The Public Administration sector accounted for 17.2% of expenditure (0.31% of GDP), while the private non-profit institutions (PNP) sector accounted for the remaining 0.4%.

Funding for internal R&D expenditure in Catalonia came mainly from the business sector (58.1%) and the Public Administration sector (27.6%). 10.1% of the expenditure was financed with funds from the rest of the world, 2.8% originated in the higher education sector, and the remaining 1.3% came from the PNPs. By sector of performance, Public Administration accounted for almost all of the funds to finance the internal R&D expenditure of the public administrations and the higher education sector (67.3% and 67.6%, respectively). In the business and PNPs sector, the funding for internal R&D expenditure came, for the most part, from the business sector (87.5% and 71.7%, respectively).

In terms of personnel, internal R&D activities in Catalonia employed a total of 58,793.8 people in full-time equivalent (FTE) employment, a figure that is 5.2% higher than in 2021. By occupation, 33,486.2 of those employed were researchers (57.0% of the total), 19,389.0 were technicians and the remaining 5,918.5 were internal R+D support staff. Of the total staff in FTE employment assigned to these R&D activities, 42.0% were women, and the proportion of women among researchers was 39.0%. By sector of performance, the highest percentages of female participation, which exceed half of the staff assigned to R&D, were in the sectors of PNPs and the Public Administration (59.4% and 54.2%, respectively). In the higher education and business sectors, this percentage was 48.5% and 33.5%, respectively.