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Labour cost 2000-2007. CCAE-2009

The Quarterly labour costs survey and the Annual labour costs survey provide periodical information on the economic cost of the labour factor on the production process of goods and services in our economy. This cost is not homogenous for activity sectors, which is why the economic activity of contributory accounts is a variable that intervenes in the sampling and tabulation of the result.

On January 1, 2009 the Catalan classification of economic activities 2009 (CCAE-2009), cam into force in substitution of the Catalan classification of economic activities 1993 Rev.1 (CCAE-93 Rev.1) and which until then has been the instrument used to code the activity sector variable.

In order to provide homogenous results with the CCAE-2009 retrospective series were produced of the ETCL and EACL using the mentioned classification of activity. Data collection for the ETCL and EACL using this double classification for the year 2008 enabled calculation with the CCAE-2009 the labour costs series per worker and month and the labour cost per effective hour for the years 2000 to 2007 (results from ETCL), as well as the annual labour cost and its structure for the years 2002 to 2007 (results from EACL).

For more information on the production of the retrospective series, please see the methodology section.