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Correction 320

+ Statistics Information affected Topic Pub. date Corr. date
320 INDBPS Social welfare and progress indicators. 2010-2017 Living conditions 27/06/2018 12/09/2018

In the table titled "Indicadors de benestar i progrés social" [Social welfare and progress indicators], the data on the indicators "Competències bàsiques amb un baix rendiment dels alumnes a les proves de 4t d'ESO" [Basic competences with a low performance of pupils in the ESO 4th-year tests] and "Competències bàsiques amb un alt rendiment dels alumnes a les proves de 4t d'ESO" [Basic competences with a high performance of pupils in the ESO 4th-year tests] were incorrect. They were corrected on 12 September 2018.

Links with the corrected information