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Note on the macroeconomic estimations from Idescat and INE

The INE's estimations of the macromagnitudes of the Catalan economy do not dovetail with those generated by Idescat. This is normal, given the fact that the methodology of the Spanish Regional Accounting (CRE) is a regional breakdown of the Spanish National Accounting, while Idescat's figures are based on the Input-Output Framework (MIOC) for the Catalan economy. The estimations derived from the MIOC have a foundation which is derived from Idescat's own specific sources used, in addition to the element of coherence brought by the process of closure and which entails a balance between the uses and resources of the different goods and services within the economy. There is no doubt that from this standpoint, the MIOC is an important statistic for ensuring better analysis and understanding of the Catalan economy.

Nonetheless, this recognition of the MIOC does not affect the value of the INE's CRE, since these are the statistics that enable the macromagnitudes of all the Spanish autonomous communities to be known in a standardised fashion. Thus, the INE's CRE is an irreplaceable reference in terms of standardised statistics, and it improves the comparability of the results from the Catalan economy and the economies of the other autonomous communities.